Games for this feel?
Games for this feel?
My life
What a precious stuck up bitch. He was going to kiss her on the cheek but her ego is so inflated she immediately thinks he's about to start french kissing her
Strangers kissing you on the cheek is not pleasant either, it's inappropriate
You don't go up and just kiss someone on the cheek retard
Reminder that some anons have Covid
And that hey, play Genshin Impact
Jesus just look at that, it's fucking magnetic repulsion, it's like scientifically impossible for these two creatures to physically touch.
Not really. It wouldn't be seen as weird if it were a woman doing it to a man. Cheek kissing is a normal way of greeting people. He's not going for her lips, just for her fucking cheek.
Nobody does because its a hoax. I dont know a single person with it or affected by it.
>I dont know a single person with it or affected by it.