>game about protecting your adopted daughter from getting raped and the entire world hating you for it
>still manages to have the right humor and light-hearted moments
Why is this game such a masterpiece, bros?

Attached: 3205654-lisa_cover.jpg (640x960, 138.73K)

Because it was made like in the good old times, with love for the product and not for the love of sjw over internet

>from getting raped
from saving humanity. brad did everything wrong and if you hugged him at the end then you're a fucking coward piece of shit faggot. buddy knew her role and accepted it, brad was the retard who doomed everyone AND her.

>saving humanity
>not understanding the core theme of futility present throughout the game
>genuinely thinking one underage girl could pump out enough kids to sustain the human race
>thinking Brad doomed Buddy when it's entirely his love that breaks her out of her joy nightmare
Not sure if bait or retardation. Please head to the nearest Wally's regardless.

Attached: Dead.gif (220x220, 7.96K)

>he actually thinks people wanted to save the world and didn't just want to get their dick wet

Nigger, what are you talking about. Talking about being delusional. The game literally changes Brads name into "failure" at some point.

never played the sequel huh
there was never any hope

Such a moralfag bullshit sjw game, worse than undertale

>don't try to protect your adoptive daughter you don't know what's good for her
Seems pretty sjw to me my dude

>genuinely thinking one underage girl could pump out enough kids to sustain the human race
Are you stupid? If she has just two daughters and her female descendants have two daughters on average themselves that's enough for humanity, expentionnal growth baby