Why do these sort of people hate emulation when it's free but love when Nintendo sells them an inferior version of it for $60?
Why do these sort of people hate emulation when it's free but love when Nintendo sells them an inferior version of it...
Honestly emulation is only a good thing in the long run. In the short term it could have some downsides but I think the good outweighs the bad.
why do snoys bend at the knee for Sony depsite being consistently lied to? fanboyism is retarded
*Good emulation is always good
Nintenbros are mentally ill
emulation lets us preserve video games, of course its a good thing. god bless emu developers.
I hate filters.
What do these "people" say about games that you could not obtain today without buying it second hand or emulating, therefore not giving a cent to the developer? What about games that don't even have an english translation unless emulated?
But you can buy all of the switch exclusives right now.
What's the point of emulation if everything is available?
Feels good not to be a third worlder.