>41 hours
Crash 4 is fucking massive.
41 hours
Luis Bennett
Jacob Cook
It's just bloated.
Zachary Wood
just like ur mum lmao
Cooper Miller
Aiden Davis
I'll have you know my mom has an extremely shapely hourglass figure.
Noah Miller
The percantage is bloated with a ton of redundant collectibles and it values level completion less compared to the older games, so 55% in 4 is like 85% in 1-3
Robert Perez
Pics pls
Luis Reyes
More like a dayglass
Brandon Barnes
The name of Coco's first flashback tape 'Subject: Perameles Coco' is a reference to a genus of Marsupials, of which, Eastern Barred Bandicoots are a part of.
Lucas Jackson
I dont care anymore
tell me where the coloured gems are.