>developer literally shames you for making a white male character
How does it feel to be a WRPG fan in 2020?
Developer literally shames you for making a white male character
how does it feel to perpetually want to be the victim?
Not interested in BG3 even remotely and it reads more like they're bullying you for picking a boring ass default human in a fantasy RPG with different races and tons of cool shit
how long until stuff like rust becomes the norm where an algorythm choses how you look like with white males being the least likely choice you can get or until developers just exclude the option to make a white male character in reaction and only hire black voice actors?
Too many people will use that to be racist, so they'll have a meter that makes your skin whiter the more you do that.
Are you sure about that? Seems like a joke.
are you a victim of BLM too?
Huh? No, I'm not black.
This pic pretty much BTFOs the notion that you NEED diversity if you want to reach out to more players.
it no doubt was meant as a joke but considering the gaming industry in general is filled with social justice warriors who actually do want you to pick anything but a straight white male, can you really blame people for taking it as such
can we make a developer switch places with a ditch digger for a day every time they complain about something incorporeal?
Wouldn’t know, I’m not currently chimping out in an American city.
>Roll untill you get max melanin
>Behaves liek absolute autist, steal and harras people, literally throw shit and speak like mentally challenged
>Mfw free job, house and grant from state.
yeah they torched downtown and then my work make me attend a workshop explaining how it was my fault for being inherently evil
are the mean old game devs bullying you for being white again? awwwww I hope you'll be okay :(
>pay $70
>create white male character
>money stolen
why do you keep making this thread
nobody did that to you
see what I mean? you always have to try to be the victim somehow
his workplace literally did
It has to be actual genuine autism. That explains both the failure to read subtext and the mindless repetition.
>your stats show your playerbase is 95%+ male
>shit on them anyway (even if it's meant as a joke)
That's some piss poor handling of the situation honestly
>b-but people of color won't buy the game if you can't play as a black transgorilla!
user! There are things more important than money and employment and mortgage payments!
>Nobody made you attend the racism seminar, bigot
>My work literally made me attend
Imagine being this fucking delusional, and calling yourself a brave and stunning hero.
Not OP, but it’s a helpful reminder as to why game developers aren’t people
a-a s-seminar? are you okay? are you going to survive? I hope they weren't too hard on you. praying for you.
I hope you realise it's not about being white or male, but about not utilising the multitude of options present in a fantasy rpg.
maybe because he wants to show that all the sjw bullshit doesnt matter in the end.
reality shows what people want in the end.
and no sjw left snowflake agenda on social media.
And would have they have said the same if the averaged turned out to be a black woman with pink hair?
The usual dwarf/elf/midget variants of the last 30 years, plus tieflings.
Maybe furries/scalies like tails and horns, I do not.
Watching Zig Forums talk about this very obvious joke has made me completely lose hope for you retards.
What we *really* need is more demonic representation in the gaming industry. Did you know that the average tiefling makes 71 cents to the dollar of the average dwarf in Faerun? Also, our governments really need to finally getting around to deporting these goddamn drow illegals taking all of our jobs and destroying our culture.
Still no reason to be a passive agressive little bitch about it in your blogpost. You don't get to decide what people want to play as.
But the average didn't turn out to be a black woman with pink hair.
>lmao leftards are so fragile you say nigger and they go apeshit
it never mentioned race. i think the dev is saying that people pick human options rather than the demon eyes and tails and shit
haha no they would praise themselves like morons
>be larian
>cry about fans making chars good-looking
>be part of the team who made the art box have only one black dude anyway
did they fire the fag behind the post?
implying that picking a slightly differently colored humanoid race is "creative" in any way
Be honest with yourself. Would that post have been made if the average turned out to be a black woman with pink hair? Would they have said to be more creative with the creator?
But the average video game protagonist isn't a black woman with pink hair. The point is that when given the possibility to make almost anything their imagination could come up with, most players just made the most generic character possible.
>Hey you weren’t forced to do it
>But I was though
>Well it’s no like it was difficult for you!
Damn, those goalposts moved fast, huh
In the character creator, the default human has black skin. People intentionally changed it to white.
Pretty based if you ask me
If you click "human" the game actually gives you a black woman by default, people who usually don't mess with character creators went out of their way to create white males.
>The right is so fragile, look at them make a post on Zig Forums, hahahahaha!
Isn’t the left currently rioting across the country because a nigger died of a fentanyl overdose months ago?
Why improve perfection? You wouldn't add pink hair and horns to Michelangelo's David.
>i'm a woman
WOW take your pills schizo tranny 41%!!!
>we will ask you to use more varied cosmetics in a humorous fashion
WTF white genocide!!!!!! REEEEEEE
at this rate give it 3 to 5 years
Your work can't force you to do anything, retard. MUH GOALPOSTS
>people want to play themseleves
Who knew that 98% of DnD-fans/crpg-fans are white dudes
>Weebfaggot is retarded
Checks out, take your meds kiddo
People tend to gravitate towards familiarity, it was a joke but people find it hard to see that in text or even it is stated hard to believe.
>most people who play RPGs just use the character creator to make themselves
you're being made fun of for making a super generic character when there's so many cool options. Said dev also put it in a humorous tone, rather than in a "muh diversity" frame.
>Please use our demon eyes, horns and tails! Be more creative!
>OP: This is white genocide.
Retarded American cultist.
people who give a shit about character creators are trannies every time.
you've never held a job in your life have you, little NEET?
When does race or gender even come up in this post, schizo? You made that part up in your head.
So are you guys Zig Forumstards who pretend to be really annoying lefties to make people hate lefties or what
It's not a joke, it's an attack. Wake up to the spiritual war between light and dark, retard.
>go out of their way to give you a default black woman
>it's not about race
That's funny, the pic in OP's post doesn't imply that at all, yet this thread was still made for Zig Forumsniggers to sperg about
I’m not White but in a fantasy game with European inspired design I’ll make my character a white guy in the same way that i’ll make my character Asian in Asian inspired games or Indian in shithole inspired games.
>Your work can’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do!
Well they can fire me, and I like my job. So I’m obligated to do something I don’t want to, in order to keep my job. It really isn’t that hard to understand.
>make people hate lefties or what
they really don't need the help
What about they release a complete game instead?
>in a humorous tone
You cannot infer tone from a written blogpost.
When people read shit they tend to interpret it based on how they're currently feeling. So there's a lot of butthurt assholes in this thread interpreting it as white genocide because they're always angry.
Lol I usually make my character white default face then change the eye colour/hair colour. I know a lot of people like to be evil with horns and that but I like being good in game because it's difficult to be good in real life
how many times are you inferior cuck beta males faggot crackers gonna make this thread?
I hate you white devils so fucking much man you dont even know. im gonna kill a cracker someday thats my goal.
you're doing the same tho
People that make their characters ridiculous abominations with bright colors and ridiculous proportions are the most basic ass kind of person imaginable.
post your good-looking chars dudes
Why is it going out of their way to make a default character with one skin tone but not going out of their way to make a default with a different one?
Do you really think whiteness is the default of all humanity? You're not even the majority of the planet.
>not a mutt
Yeah I don't think people were making themselves.
I'm always angry when I'm on this shithole, yes
Is it bad that i'm white but wished I was Asian instead?
No help needed schizo, the left does it to themselves for free
> Good looking
> With premades faces
Imagine not being white
>still doesnt understand what a beta test is
Okay, Wonder Bread.
I make six figures, son. It's called being successful instead of being a degenerate leech whining about genocide because he can't get pussy.
So in other words, you went along with what they said on your own volition. Is "responsibility" foreign to you kids or something?
Your homework for the week is to finish this sentence: Bl_ck Liv_s Mat_ter.
This is why you need offline video games. So whatever you do does not go as "big data" to devs, analysts, "journos" and fuck knows who else
>You cannot infer tone from a written blogpost.
>When people read shit they tend to interpret it based on how they're currently feeling
That kinda makes sense when you see how alot of twitter/gaming spaces, or at least the vocal or active parts seem to hate wypeepo(I'm not white but this shit is intriguing to me), so they feel they're constantly under attack or something
>So there's a lot of butthurt assholes in this thread interpreting it as white genocide because they're always angry.
Can't get away from the Zig Forums spillover
Imagine being born in a time of unprecedented freedom, and you were born a nigger.
imagine being a a skin colorless freak who fucks dogs and are dying out as a race,.
>knowing how to spell
pick one and only one
it doesn't even say white or black in the pic. It says why didn't you use tails and horns and non-human shit.