The top choice is an easy pick. Even with so many dormant series in it, I would never want to banish them.
Bottom. We've had enough Marios, but not enough Shin Magoomi.
based retard
Every franchise in the bottom is trash, Top is a easy choice
This. OP fucked up by putting Zelda, Metroid, and DK all in one basket.
The only one worth mentioning in the bottom list is pokemon. But even then, the series hasn't been good in over a decade.
Illiterate fucktard.
>Could live without more SMT, Persona, Pokemon, or Pikmin
>But Splatoon still has room to grow, and RF only JUST got revived
The top one has nothing of value in it besides zelda, which is dead to me if they keep doing shit like note, and f-zero, which is already dead, so fuck that one
Botw, I am phone poster
>retarded opinions
>subhuman phonenigger
Botw was a terrible game and I say this having given it a fair shot with an open mind, and being a zelda fan since before I could read
I know they're going to keep doing them like that so there's no point for me
BOTW was much better than Skyward Sword
That game was bad too
I still would've picked the top if it was just Metroid and Xenoblade. Zelda, F-Zero, and Warioware are just a nice bonus.
Bottom. I'll miss advance wars and warioware but oh well
I'm sorry but Mario must be sacrificed for the greater good.
This. The fact that it's 50:50 is disgusting.
Mario, Pokemon and Final Fantasy are bigger franchises than any of the games in the other bracket. Only a retard would choose the first option.
Theres literally nothing on the bottom worth saving
>Mario, Pokemon and Final Fantasy are bigger franchises than any of the games in the other brack
And all 3 suck now so killing them doesn't actually do anything
All of the series at the top besides Zelda are already dead, so reality hit the bottom
>don't give a shit about any of the bottom
>can live with smw romhacks forever if i had to
>metroid, warioware, and f-zero are all pretty cool
>but kirby...
More than half of the top are dead, and the ones that aren't take forever to come out.
Bottom is the only smart choice.
only because the bottom are the big moneymakers. if nintendo was forced to actually make something worth a shit they would work with what they've got or die as a company
Final Fantasy is the only franchise here I give a shit about
Mario - Stopped being good at SM64, Going 3D ruined the series
Fantasy - Stopped being good at FF9, FF10 killed the franchise by turning it in to full blown movie shit with no gameplay
Pokemon - Stopped Being good after the DS games
>all baby shit
Kill em all
Replace 64 with Galaxy 2 and you're right
>Zelda vs Persona
I'll take Persona. It doesn't force me to buy a shitty console.
Cope Sonyfag
Only game on the top I’ve even played is DK and F-Zero and those are already dead lmao. Easy choice
>Bing Bing Wahoo, Coomer Trash & on Rails Movie games winning
This board is dead
I almost made this same mistake. Idk why OP worded it like that
why not both?
Doubt BOTW will be topped since they're just making a lazy sequel to it
Already dead
Not my cup of tea so I can't speak for it but its pretty dead
>Advance Wars
Dead for years
>Golden Sun
Terrible franchise, also dead for years
One hit wonder
>Rune Factory
Putrid rotting corpse
>Donkey Kong
Actually still alive, so would be sad
>Fatal Frame
2 is the only good one in the series
Still going strong
Last game was a dud but still alive
This isn't a nintendo franchise
Still going
Still going
>Mario Kart
Needs a new game but has potential for a release
>Animal Crossing
Sold gangbusters
>Fire Emblem
Still going
Still going
>Ninja Gaiden
Can't say I care
Not a Nintendo series but still going
So I'd choose bottom because almost everything on top is fucking dead anyways. Nice list.
Where's the option to pick all other games and let this garbage die
Christ, you are a faggot
He said nothing wrong tho
Why does it matter if it's a Nintendo series?
>Not choice to get them all destroyed
Shitty poll tbqh
top just so i can put pokemon out of it misery