Star citizen

8 years
Most expensive game development in history
making a roadmap for a roadmap

A complete failure

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Post yfw you didn't spent a single cent on this scam

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mfw I made money on this scam

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latest patch has been dope, keep seething.

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why are poorfags more mad about this thing than the actual backers?

Every time I see Star Citizen discussion, I feel depressed throwing $40 at pic related after a user hyped me up 7 years ago that it would take online roleplay to the next level.

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You mistake laughing with mad. Seeing scam citizen threads are great scahdenfreude

Making fun of a failure isn't mad.

Actual backers are mad as fuck too, Zig Forums is just too preoccupied with endlessly posting the same old memes about it to realize that.

Let's be honest here

it was worth every penny.

i spent $100 on a hellgate london lifetime membership
i at least got to play the actual game for a while

Has any other vidya even crossed the 500M budget mark with even marketing included?

at least you left your train user
star citizen cucks are going to spend the rest of their young years waiting for a game that'll most likely feel outdated once released


uhhh actually they did release the alpha component of the multiplayer area commander module and i already got my money's worth? lol

>Paying $500rinos for the permission to play 5% of a game's gameplay

t. Star Scam backer undergoing massive cope

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selling shit on greymarket, I bought in super early and then found out that my package or whatever was worth like 3x as much, sold it then bought a code that came from an AMD graphics card of ebay that had the whole game on it for like $20 made about $100 profit

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P. T. Barnum bows before Roberts.

The game failed to launch. The company didn't fail to make bank though.

Why people would spend a single dime on this vaporware is beyond me. I've seen a lot of dumb shit that at least makes SOME sense but Star Citizen never made any sense at all

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Hellgate had so much potential too

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Probably every CoD beyond Modern Warfare 1 and every Rockstar game past GTA IV but they get huge returns

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So what's actually bad about a developer who actually don't want to release a unfinished buggy mess even though there is a risk that it won't ever be completed as something can always be improved

>So what's actually bad about a developer who actually don't want to
>ever be completed
the best cope money can buy

Constantly expanding the scope of the game thus making sure it will never be finished, hiring expensive yet C-tier actors to make a pointless single player campaign and fleecing players with thousand dollar virtual ships over the span of 8 years isn't a good thing

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post the roadmap

Lmao and I still have no clue what you are doing in this game. The only reason I know about this game is Zig Forums. Not even a Gaming YouTube I have subscribed to has ever covered this game