doa thread
Doa thread
Does this banner have a guaranteed SSR or something? I rolled on it 4 times and I got 2 Marie, 1 Honk and now a Kokopuff SSR.
It has increased rates, and yet there are users like myself who havent seen one yet and probably wont see one.
You lucky sob.
I don't know if that's the kind of luck I want with my free rolls...
I despise Marie and never use honk or koko
Those suits are quite shit and arent worth using anyways. They're basically pity SSR for those who have none or for photo shoots.
>this was 6 months ago...
I want to be a DoA girl and slut my fat tits around.
Who doesn't?
I will rape Misaki.
i downloading the fucking game, played it, and realized how much of a fucking jew it was so i deleted it, i never spent a time. 3m downloads means fucking nothing
For me it's always gonna be Tina.
I hate current event. SS matches enemies always spam heartbreaker play.
Better get used to it. Heartbreaker skills arent uncommon as we go forward.
The only reason i spend any money on that game was because i was really hoping to get nice lewd costumes... it never happen. I will never again trust any of this "screw the fans" devs.
i just got 1 ssr with honoka, you're very lucky
For me, it's Marie!
inb4 titcow rages that I have different taste
She looks like a chipmunk. She's so cute...
...needs smaller shorts!