>sw/sh is garba-
Sw/sh is garba-
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>>sw/sh is garba-
Ballonlea and the altar of the sword and shield look good, but the rest range from average to crap. And the Wild Area looks even worse, which sucks because the Isle of Armor in particular is far better than any regular route in the game design-wise.
>actually thinking that any pokemon game past gen 5 isn't garbage
Carried by the kino British aesthetic.
this just further proves that game freak is only good with indoors and closed spaces or places with locked on camera (that are still closed off).
And even still with this in mind you can see how they fucked up and botched shit like ORAS.
Bring me back.
Cherrypicked as fuck OP
That's like posting pic related and saying NSMBU has an amazing art style
It looks like a 3ds game at best get over it
>kino British aesthetic
Gen 3 didn't look good for a 2D game on GBA either.
Pretty depressing that 3/4 of the images you posted that aren’t the copypasted gym stadium layouts or abysmal gym challenges are straight up hallways.
back to discord, tranny.
honestly, the only pokemon game I look forward to is let's go 2
the main games are insulting at this point
yea i remember pretty explicitly feeling that it started to get phoned in pretty hard from gen3 onwards. Even gen 2 has a lot of shit locations but is generously saved by Kanto existing. If it weren't for that, the game would have been incredibly short and felt much more hollow.
Nah, they good, you just full of shit cryer.
Lmao ESL
what's good about the last game?
Sword and Shield sucked but the Let’s Go games are just as offensive, just in vastly different ways.
Ah yes, the good ol' Sony tactic of "LOOK AT SCREENSHOT DISREGARD GAMEPLAY". It doesn't work for them and it most certainly won't work for these absolute garbage games.
Also giving out the daily reminder for all retards who purchased these lazy cashgrabs: you aren't allowed to express any sort of disappointment or complaints for this franchise since you willingly supported Gamefreak for releasing these awful, feature barren titles. Pokemon is a dying husk of its former self and you have only yourselves to blame for encouraging shitty developers.
I didn't feel that at all, I felt like let's go was chock full of the soul of the first few games, they bet everything on what was so cool as a kid, going out on an adventure with your starter
it wasn't perfect of course, meowth didn't speak, story was very childish (but then again, it's fucking pokemon), and no abilities/secret abilities, but otherwise the games were better than anything gamefreak pushed out last decade
>Turn 360 degrees and walk away
it looks like shit and plays like shit, anyone that genuinely thinks this game is good should never touch another video game again.
>they bet everything on what was so cool as a kid, going out on an adventure with your starter
The extra interaction with the Pokémon in general was neat but honestly I don’t really think it excuses all the stuff it’s missing. Mechanically they have got less going on than they did in the GBA Kanto games, battles were an absolute chore and even without using the candies that make your Pokémon busted I never really felt like the game offered up any sort of challenge. If the next pair of Let’s Go games add in the missing mechanics, keep all the good shit they had going on instead of cutting it like every new generation of Pokémon, and don’t cut anything from the original games they’re based on, they could be great.
It’s got a lot of really good ideas that I was hoping they’d actually build on as time went on but when Sword and Shield rolled around most of that shit got booted out immediately because they were rushed the fuck out. The last games I personally enjoyed were Sun and Moon but they seem to catch a lot of flack around here for the linearity and cutscenes but honestly I thought they were a breath of fresh air, the region was soulful as fuck and had a ton of cool details and areas to discover and it tried something slightly different from the regular gym challenge which was a nice change of pace.
>any sort of challenge
when was the last time an official game has ever offered you any kind of challenge?
if you want challenge out of a pokemon game, you need to make it up yourself like with nuzzlocke, or you play romhacks
the challenge when you were a kid came from you not knowing a fourth of what you know about pokemon now, you now know what types does what, which attacks what pokemon can learn and maybe even at what level, any challenge is dead in the water and you will never find it ever again in an official/main line game, because they need said games to be playable by kids that never touched a pokemon game beforehand
sorry but the whole challenge thing is a non-argument to me when it comes to pokemon games, they've never been hard or were never meant to be hard
and the only missing mechanic I can think of is the ability, which I complained about and yeah, I don't understand why they wanted to keep them out, or maybe they just didn't want to bother balancing it all again because of them and because of the missing types etc now
sword and shield has no excuses whatsoever, sword and shield offered me literally nothing, the 'open world'-ishness that it had is a good idea, I want more of it, but the application was absolutely horrible, animation wise, the game is an insult to video games, this shit could've come out on nintendo 64 and it would've looked about the same, the gimmick is probably one of the worst ones yet and thank god we won't have it ever again past these games as well, the game doesn't look good otherwise, at all, the game has barely any content, no end game at all, the game has no story, you're not even the fucking hero of it, you're just some kid that passed by and appears at the end, the villain is the stupidest one to date as well, his motivations are the weakest of all, and that's comparing them to X and Y's villains lol
let's go is the only hope I have left for the series moving forward
They are. I played them and in the end they were really shitty. Obly the competitive meta is fun, but you can play that shit for free on a web browser.
Pokemon seems to be evolving.
It looks like it is only 10 years behind instead of 15
>when was the last time an official game has ever offered you any kind of challenge?
Sun and Moon without the experience share turned on. Wasn’t overly difficult but you’re underleveled enough to the point where you’ll actually have to put some thought into your team’s moves, held items, and abilities as well as having to react to new situations that appear during battles like a Pokémon or move you haven’t seen before.
>you now know what types does what, which attacks what pokemon can learn and maybe even at what level, any challenge is dead in the water
That’s why it’s nice that new Pokemon and interesting mechanics are added into the mix when a new game comes out so that you can’t just predict everything with the knowledge you previously had. Sun and Moon had a really creative idea by having you fight totem Pokémon, which can call for other Pokémon to help with support moves or an extra hit to your Pokémon and they’ll even have a certain stat or multiple stats raised up. You can’t just predict all that with prior knowledge of the series.
>and the only missing mechanic I can think of is the ability
Held items, breeding, egg moves, and countless Pokémon and moves were cut as well, and that’s just the shit they cut from battling itself. Shit like the day/night cycle and game corner were also cut so they could implement GO connectivity.
>they've never been hard or were never meant to be hard
I’m not asking for the games to be difficult but when you can win by brute forcing every single battle with your starter’s fucking absurd moveset, it ruins the fun of team building.
I’m not gonna argue what you said about Sword and Shield was incorrect because they’re garbage, but some of the stuff you mentioned also applies to Let’s Go like the lack of meaningful content and lazy animation quality in battles.
Still a fucking awful excuse for a game.
It could have been amazing if only they allowed them to work on it longer.
You can truly tell how bad they had to cut corners all the way down to the story and cutscenes and not just the dex
>still trying to force your trash meme
Back to nigger.
t. Mr Mitosis
>that scientist suddenly changing pose
Genuine question
Do you guys think this game had work started on it before the Pokemon company knew it would be on a home console and not a dedicated handheld?