Spider-Man Thread

How the FUCK did they manage to make this the best game?

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they knew how shot web

Excellent mobility,

The DS version has really good movement and combat for a licensed 2D game. The console version was one of an oddly large amount of morality system superhero games of the time, it and inFamous and Prototype came out pretty close to each other.

>1 fast wall running
>2 smooth wall combat
>3 smooth are combat
>4 symbiote powers
>5 having wolverine as your hitch I mean side kick
>6 MJ with a shot gun
>7 you can skateboard on any energy

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>Cuhrayzee combat
>villain roster was good, could've been better if ock or goblin had a cameo fight
>web strike
>air striking civilians
>feeding civillians to symbiotes so you had more enemies to fight
>Throwing cars off of civilians
>being able to web and stick enemies onto buildings
Yeah this game was fucking great, enjoyed it just as much as I did ult Spiderman but for very different reasons.

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It was fun

which platform is best? the sound on the dolphin one is god awful

This game is the fucking best I swear. Had a better time swinging in it than ps4.

The next-gen Spider-Man 3 was better. It was closer to Spider-Man 2 in the swinging department and the combat was actually good apart from the lack of wall combat. The introduction of Web Strike was the death good combat in Spider-Man games. You just stay in the air and infinitely chain your attacks off of every enemy now. There's still the option to do flashy combos and use the webs in other ways but why would you when the Web Strike kills everything in 2 or 3 hits?

This game has shitty sound on all platforms. The sound effects are all loud as fuck and sound heavily compressed and crusty, the music is also loud and generic. Most importantly, the voice acting is awful, not just Spider-Man's voice. That's actually one of the only good things about the game's sound, Spider-Man is annoying as hell as he should be. It's the quality of the acting though that is just terrible even for a relatively lower budget 2009 game. Just play it on PC muted.

is there a mod that replaces the sound effects with spiderman 2's and uses the spiderman 1 movie game's soundtrack yet?

I don't know but it seems like that would be pretty easy to make.

well if someone does i hope a thread pops up. this game looked like it had great potential but i just cannot stand the audio. it's like a windows movie maker video made for a 4th grade presentation

It ain't the best, but it's a high tier Spidey game.

I doubt any real mods will be made for this game or any Spider-Man game. All people have ever cared about is changing the suits, those are the only mods you'll find for any of these games.

It's not, but it certainly did a lot of things better than further installments in the franchise

No it's actually ultimate spiderman. WoS is the next best though. Admit it, the dialogue in this game fucking atrocious.
>ultimate spiderman
>Shattered dimensions
>Spiderman 2
>Spiderman n64
>Friend or Foe
>Spiderman 1 (though the GBA one is surprisingly good)
>Maximum carnage

Attached: Ultimate_Spider-Man_boxart.jpg (267x373, 26.89K)

Not even close to the best Spider-Man game

>7 you can skateboard on any enemy*
Coolest shit with both red suit and black suit
The only thing lacking is a taunt system

It had based Moon Knight

Attached: Moon_Knight_Marvel_Now.jpg (800x592, 139.6K)

not even the best spider-man game, it's one of the best action games ever mechanically. open world, 3 planes to fight in, obscene fluidity in animations.
in fact, everything this game does incredibly is all gameplay related. it seems like it's all just a big tech demo since the map, texture design, story and voice acting are DOOOOOOGSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.

When are we finally gonna get a moon knight or Daredevil game?

>Moon Knight
Only after they make a movie or show that characterizes him as Batman but with a white costume.

The combat was sublime and almost beat DMC out of the water. It's too bad the level design, objectives/missions and enemy variety was shit.
It looks to me like they spent so much time on the combat and bosses that they completely forgot about the objectives/missions.

This game would be excellent for modding/creating custom maps for.

That might have something to do with them basically having to start over mid-development. The game was supposed to be based on Marvel Zombies but they changed it to Symbiotes because movie synergy is cancer. I think that's what lead to the empty feeling the game has outside of missions and explains why the side content is practically non-existent.

It really isn’t.

Web of Shadows is definitely the best Spidey game.

SMPS4 > SM 2 > Ult. > Shattered Dimensions

The rest of the games are various degrees of bad. WoS greatest strength was that it was better than SM3.

good question

Undoubtedly based except you forgot neversoft spidey which is right before WoS

Right before shattered dimensions *