Well Zig Forums?

Well Zig Forums?

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do they even have any?

4k60fps is a pretty good xbox console exclusive

Yeah but what games?

and dont forget the bethesda acquisition

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*all on PC*

Call of the sea looks comfy

whats your point, if you're choosing between consoles these games are exclusive to their respective platform

*Exclusively not on PlayStation

So I have a PC already, can play all those games on that. Where can I play the playstation exclusives except for the ps5?

Moving goalposts
Hey, if you’re choosing between Xboxes, all games are exclusive to the Xbox

snoys dont even play their exclusives look at the sales charts

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But Trans of the Lost 2 sold a whole big lots of bunches!

thats not moving goalposts, why do you care about consoles when you already have a good pc? why are you trying to justify spending $500 just so you can pay $70 for a few games and never touching the system after that. most consumers think like this and is why both microsoft and playstation are porting their exclusives to pc.
if you think its worth spending $500 for a few games then by all means, but for me it doesn't make sense to buy a new system just to play a few exclusives for 20 hours then let the console collect dust

and is promptly forgotten one month later and ESL sonyroaches go back to playing call of duty or fifa that would get higher resolution on xbox

>Xbox doesn't have excl-

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It’s absolutely moving the goalposts. The question was “why aren’t you talking about Xbox exclusives”, therefore the criteria should be games that can be played exclusively on the Xbox. It’s not that complicated.

it's amazing to me how the majority of console gamer have become reprogrammed into thinking the draw of a console should be its exclusives and not he user experience

Geoff "Kojima bitch" Keighley is a known $ony whore.
faggot is truly beyond pathetic with his dispaly of fanboyism


go buy the game on a platform that isnt owned by microsoft then dumbass. it is absolutely an exclusive because you either play it on xbox or windows. if its not an exclusive go buy it on the playstation store

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>I can't play a video game if it's not locked to a plastic box

Is your PC called an “Xbox”?

>most consumers think like this

Wrong. You are a not a gamer. You are a marketing shill and that's the problem. Microsoft is run by the marketing department. Unfortunately Sony moved to Commiefornia so they will probably become just as bad in the future.

Windows is a Microsoft platform.

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Gaming on Windows 10 is part of Xbox as Xbox is now an ecosystem rather than only a console. If you cannot get the game outside the ecosystem then it is by definition an Xbox exclusive

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Are the Microsoft games released on Switch Xbox games as well? It could be considered part of their ecosystem.

cope harder. if you need to try to justify spending $500 hardware when your current pc is already significantly better and more capable of playing games then dont try to bitch to everyone on Zig Forums about it. microsoft isnt forcing pc owners to shell out money on hardware they dont need because the xbox ecosystem IS pc and xbox. both microsoft and sony just want money and they've both realized this that people with good pc's dont give a fuck about consoles, or they try to justify in their minds that its worth spending $500 on shit they dont need for 3 games. oh and also all your sony "exclusives" are also timed exclusives meaning they're all going to pc anyways, so stop trying to cope and just stick to pc.

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I'm not buying your $500 dust collector, shills.

>Buys it on Ubuntu

nobody's fuckin telling you to spend $500 on a series x if you have a good pc, just buy sony and microsoft games on pc as they all inevitably get ported over and save your money, atleast microsoft isnt doing any gay timed exclusive bullshit to try to manipulate people like the ones in this thread to waste their money on shit they dont need

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linux chads rise up

>So I have a PC already
Ok, post it

you are retarded. "most consumers" don't buy consoles or games day 1

They are not Xbox exclusive in that case, but they are still Xbox 1st party games
Cool, doesn't change the fact that if a game doesn't leave Xbox consoles/Windows it's still Xbox exclusive

Why does Zig Forums like XBOX? is it cause they hate sony?

i wonder why

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this. Xbox is fail

pc after 1 year timed exclusivity

playstation exclusives outsell xbox "exclusives"

haha way to save the xbox brand..we fallen so hard now everything you use is xbox !!! See ? Its not fail anymore. Get lost retard

Microsoft is literally funding the worlds first tranny game

demons souls and bloodborne arent coming to pc. you need more petitions

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what about steam
i buy it and run it on wine

>as they all inevitably get ported over
This is factually untrue. Spiderman, TLOU, GoW, Ghosts of Tsushima, Bloodborne, Gravity Rush, P5R, and a at least a handful of other games are still Sony exclusives. Aside from Yakuza and Horizon, most Sony exclusives are still Sony exclusives.

>No Scorn

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I like that now that Xbox completely decimates Playstation spec wise sony simps have suddenly decided that PC actually is the best platform.

If you can manage to get that to work with new Xbox games then I'm sure they would be happy to sell them to you.

pretty easy to get 4k60 when your graphics look like this

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i love the snoy cope in this thread. "please sony, buy more exclusives so im forced to buy your toaster console instead of playing on my $1500 pc, and get censored games, i need to spend more money please i need to consoom".

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Still running a DirectX game, still supporting Xbox ecosystem

>game on a platform that isn't xbox
>"xbox exclusives"
Listen, you can jerk off Microsoft and Phil Spencer all you want, but don't start pretending like the Xbox brand itself is anything but a redundant scam made for technologically-illiterate normies like yourself.

Buy a PC like a fucking adult.

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>demons souls and bloodborne arent coming to pc. you need more petitions
nah ill just wait 1 year thanks for giving sony $500 for a toaster

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exclusives is literally all they got left, and even in that department they're starved for games

How's that BB petition coming?

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bloodborne is almost 10 years old.
the cope is real, and has been for almost a decade

How is it a scam? You don't have to buy the console to play the games, use a PC if you think it's so much better.
If anything Sony and Nintendo are the scammers here with their PS5 and Switch exclusivity forcing you to buy the console and giving no second option

it was literally on their presentation slide, they realized they had to retract it for the time being because otherwise all the sony coping in this thread would drop the playstation in a heartbeat because they all already own a good pc and the shit launch would kill the system. your games are coming to pc whether you like it or not, either cope harder and buy a ps5 or save your money and stick to pc.

PCs are expensive and you have to put effort into assembling them. Consoles are comfy.

>You don't have to buy the console to play the games
That's why it's a scam, you fucking retard.
Exactly my point.

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If they were able to not list it coming to PC at all, why not do that with all their games?