Zig Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: F.png (2106x1463, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor post:

Attached: c83c1eb2e3cff48270d2244bc90592a85c514305.png (1000x1000, 411.53K)

Requesting Chang and Leona as Jiangshi
Reference: files.catbox.moe/hpdu63.jpg and files.catbox.moe/uvcz8m.jpg

Attached: changvleona.jpg (1700x850, 238.97K)

Requesting Aku Aku or another guy warning user about Raccoon Ami while she eats a Wumpa fruit, unaware of their conversation
>"She has fangs and front facing eyes. She's a predator. Run."

Attached: Raccoon_Ami.png (1280x415, 660.71K)

Requesting Belladona presenting her ass at a booth and offering to let the viewer kiss it in exchange for some lucres

Attached: Belladona.jpg (980x820, 99.24K)

Requesting Female Blood Dragon sticking her ass up and getting a rimjob from user

Attached: blood dragon.jpg (1024x576, 183.75K)

Requesting lewds of Stealth Suit Mk II from Fallout New Vegas

Attached: waifusuit.jpg (1024x770, 49.86K)

Requesting OoT Princess Zelda applying makeup in front of a mirror, preparing for her revealing her identiy to Link at the Temple of Time. Optionally with parts of the outfit not being put on yet, like the shoulders and jewellery.

Attached: OoT_Zelda.jpg (600x1200, 108.65K)

Too soon

Requesting Lucas and Boney dressed up as Tintin and Milou

Attached: crossover.jpg (1131x432, 89.65K)

Zelda OP can't wait

Requesting Scathach holding Gudao and telling Mash (all from FGO) to back off.

Attached: v request.png (945x1025, 1.24M)

Requesting Draco attacking a Tokyo maquette with short burns of firebreath coming out her mouth

Attached: Draco.jpg (792x1009, 66.31K)

Requesting Coco and Roxanne drinking tea together outside.

Attached: 319309043294094305.png (640x1020, 661.37K)

Requesting Pandora sitting on Prometheus face and maybe playing his his junk with her feet

Attached: refs.jpg (850x1185, 114.89K)

Requesting Palutena using Pit as a foot bench while she watch TV, drinking milk straight from the bottle

Attached: lazy.png (996x1526, 46.67K)

Requesting Luigi and Daisy as Gomez and Morticia Addams

Attached: chref.jpg (522x587, 35.69K)

Requesting the image on the left with Princess Remedy dropping Frallan, no need to give Remedy a boner too

Attached: Drop.jpg (1113x611, 160.34K)

Requesting Aradia (left) dressed in Mona from Genshin's outfit (right) for Halloween.

Attached: aradia mona.png (1338x2000, 2.09M)

Requesting Lilith having a Happy Meal for breakfast while Morrigan tries to contain her laugh

Attached: Lilith.gif (70x98, 4.09K)

Requesting Spooky from "Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion" as in the meme at the left

Attached: Spooky.png (1096x888, 785.29K)

Requesting Summoner Refia from FF3 playing with or being friendly towards a common Final Fantasy enemy, like a Cactuar or Tonberry.

Attached: __moogle_scholar_summoner_refia_and_luneth_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_nama_tadpole__aa970e0dbdefed62db440cd03c3a49f2.jpg (519x729, 83.5K)

Requesting Chorizo cosplaying as Wolf Link celebrating Halloween

Attached: Chorizo.jpg (748x1024, 90.96K)

Requesting the top Flintstones scene, but with Master Higgins smoking a Hudson Soft-branded cigar, while watching Bonk actively playing a Turboexpress beside him.

Attached: 1602546942421.png (1200x800, 862.13K)

Requesting Isaac Clarke attacking a Necromorph but instead of getting splattered with blood he gets hit with lots of candies and treats

Attached: Isaac.jpg (370x600, 54.48K)

Requesting Kevin Graham doing Vash's "Love and Peace!"

Attached: Kevin Graham Trails 3rd.jpg (2053x2146, 446.67K)

Requesting Roll.EXE in her Devil form restored to her normal personality. Something like her smiling and having a thought bubble of what she thinks she looks like, being cute and friendly with her normal face, while her actual expression looks smug and sadistic. Try to keep the sharper, slightly narrower eyes with the makeup and fang.

Attached: Devil-Roll.png (1915x1920, 2.92M)

Requesting Riica from Another Eden.


Attached: Riica.jpg (2036x2150, 434.74K)

How many times OP! How many times! Even ALF waits before posting his Crash X Star Fox request!

Requesting Robo-Fortune and Ms. Fortune pulling their short shorts down enough to expose their anus, mooning the viewer while both look back shooting a smug, devilish grin, or sticking their tongues out.

Attached: catfight.jpg (858x1058, 278.24K)

Before this gets deleted, source please?
I suppose you only wanted to share your doujin collection

the fucking irony

Requesting Succubus SMTV Protagonist getting fucked, or pegged, by a real demon or incubus while he jerks him off using his tail.

Attached: 1596181877816.jpg (1024x737, 33.89K)

Requesting Mileena dressed up as Sadako from the Ring

Attached: mln.jpg (1024x984, 85.39K)

Requesting Hoppos craving pumpkins

Attached: hoppos.png (690x549, 229.77K)

Requesting Corrin in her underwear doing the trending leg-hold pose.

Attached: EjM323_VcAE6qfD.png (600x817, 639.94K)

Requesting 9-Volt gifting a Rental Mommy shirt to 5-volt

Attached: bolts.jpg (1024x848, 82.07K)

Requesting X7 Alia shopping for a new body, looking through a window where her X8 body's torso is on display. Optionally with other reploid or vidya robot girls in the store display next to it.

Alternatively, just her looking through a window at her X8 body with advertisements selling it as a fashionable new body. Another user suggested it being a generic reploid being the one to look at Alia's body, or her X8 body being sold as the new model, while her old body is also on display but is discounted

Attached: aliaref.png (637x727, 358.08K)

Heres a thing that was a combination of requests. Too lazy to (you) all of the posts.

Attached: roxie.png (2660x2357, 1.16M)

Requesting Luigi riding on top of a bull ghost trying to buck him off like one of those bucking bronco machines as he's trying to vacuum it up.

Attached: loohye.jpg (434x771, 40.54K)

>took my suggestion, essentially did three requests at once
Mega-based drawfag, and based art too.

Requesting a freakishly lanky and agile Donkey Kong with a long Yoshi Tongue.

Attached: Yoshikong.jpg (2290x1370, 268.97K)

Requesting Maria from Trauma Center with Day of the Dead themed bodypaint

Attached: Maria.jpg (835x1024, 59.55K)

Requesting Daisy lifting Peach's dress with one hand and squeezing her butt with the other.

Attached: princesses.jpg (1638x2048, 182.22K)

Requesting one of (or both of) the girls from Arcana, the SNES JRPG where everything was represented by cards, playing with cards, or simply a pose where they're holding up a card of themselves or something else matching the in-game art. The card doesn't have to
be detailed.
Visual reference for the cards:

Attached: arcana_art_3.png (1139x767, 1.37M)

Requesting the busty, curvy Taiga on the left wearing a slutty version of saber's outfit. With a midriff, short skirt, high heels, big earrings. Teasing an offscreen Shirou.
Maybe with pubes showing.

Attached: 1602522968595.jpg (2374x1734, 582.87K)

Requesting Berkana with a short skirt, no skirt like Alia, or lifting her dress to expose her thighs.

Attached: berkana.jpg (1000x1416, 423.06K)

>Too lazy to (you) all of the posts.
The last post fused both ideas basically doing what you took for this prompt

Requesting Rule 63 Alex and James from [PROTOTYPE] wearing their own Kamui

Attached: PTTKLK.jpg (2244x783, 363.06K)

>Flat Loli dreaming of big tiddy

Requesting Roll Caskett trying on makeup for the first time, asking if it looks good. I know there's an easy monkey's paw/joke delivery with her screwing it up, but if it's okay I'd prefer a straightforward take.

Attached: Roll_Caskett.png (332x650, 161.68K)

Requesting Penthesilea from FGO delivering a lewd package to user

Attached: berserk.jpg (730x1024, 90.99K)

Requesting a ramen themed Jiangshi Min Min from ARMS

Attached: min min.jpg (656x1024, 63.62K)

Requesting Ajna or Heruka with a sad look in her eyes, holding up a piece of paper with a smile and "I'm fine" written on it

Attached: indivisible.png (600x786, 184.82K)

Requesting something cute or cool with the knight classes from FFT and Tactics Ogre together, or them having tea together and discussing tactics.

Attached: 1477191179629.jpg (713x1000, 415.85K)

Requesting a bottom-heavy Amber both turned on and happily patting her soft, squishy badonkadonk.
Reference: files.catbox.moe/086ora.png

Attached: 84759328_p0_master1200.png (600x911, 276.6K)