Demons Souls

>Demons Souls
>Sackboy Adventures
>Spider-Man Miles Morales
>Spider-Man Remastered
>Assassins Creed Valhala
>Astro's Playroom
>Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
>Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
>Destruction All Stars

Is this the strongest most quality focused launch in video game history?

Attached: ps5.jpg (405x270, 5.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Snoys are mentally ill

Attached: PS2 launch titles.jpg (2376x2100, 773.6K)

>>Demons Souls
70 dollar remake
>>Sackboy Adventures
>>Spider-Man Miles Morales
expansion pack
>>Spider-Man Remastered
remaster of a 2 year old game
>>Assassins Creed Valhala
ass crud yearly installment
>>Astro's Playroom
literal garbage
>>Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
soulless yearly installment
>>Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
rerelease of a 1 year old game
>>Destruction All Stars
vehicular combat game. yeah, ok

Came to post this. PS2 will never be topped.

What a fucking console that was

>Demons Souls
timed exclusive
>Sackboy Adventures
on the ps4
>Spider-Man Miles Morales
on the ps4
>Spider-Man Remastered
literally just NG+
>Assassins Creed Valhala
on the ps4
>Astro's Playroom
demo engine
>Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
on all platforms last and next gen
>Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
literally just NG+
>Destruction All Stars
is this your exclusive?

>carbon copy of yoshi wii u
>niggerman DLC
>multiplat, better on Xbox
>tech demo
>multiplat, better on Xbox
>multiplat, better on Xbox
>driving mixed with fortnite zoomer cancer
These weren't launch titles. The PS2 launch was pretty scant

It's decent, definitely better than PS4 and 3.

It's funny how Xbox has more japanese launch titles than Sony (Yakuza & some shitty jRPG).

>The PS2 launch was pretty scant
Nope, Snoy hasn't made a good console in 20 years

Attached: PS2 Launch Titles 2000.jpg (800x1150, 177.88K)

You smell that OP?

>*sniff* *sniff*...

Yup. It smells like BROKE in here

Sony is in the thread?

>no godfall
>no bug snax
C'mon man.

Those weren't launch titles, I mean fuck's sake ZoE1 came with an MGS2 demo disc, ZoE1 was closer to a launch title than MGS2

Probably the weakest launch lineup.

the ps2 came out in 2000 retard


Nope. Consoleniggers who fanboy one brand because they cant afford all of them lmao.

that lineup is genuinely tepid

ps5 has ALL the exclusives lined up.
The sooner you realize spiderman, gow, souls games, last of us and horizon zero dawn are the biggest selling point of the console the better.
There is NO good games for xbox

Attached: 1602501579907.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Pretty irrelevant of what you guys think since you'll shit on any games regardless if it's good or not. Those are all game options for PS5 players on launch. What the fuck does Xbox have that's new for launch? Also, add Godfall and bugsnax to the list too.

>What the fuck does Xbox have that's new for launch?
the best way to play thousands of games, thanks to carefully built backwards compatibility

Games that people can already play on their xbox ones? Imagine paying 500 dollars just to get 60 fps for old games LMAOO.

This has to be bait

Attached: this is your mindset troophers.png (412x260, 31.38K)

ps4 game with MC replacd with nigger
God of onions: now a movie
> souls games
Dark Souls/Sekiro/Soulslike are all mutliplat. Demons Souls is a ps3 game not a system seller. Also emulatable on PC at a higher resolution than PS5 does it
>last of us
Fanbase dispersed now that all main characters are dead
>horizon zero dawn
A good game, and a unique game. But it is just zelda with metal dinosaurs.

At the end of the day almost all ponystation franchises such gorilla dick. Of the games people actually play (multiplatform games), Xbox runs them all better, for cheaper, at a higher resolution and framerate. Chad McNormal does not want play a $90 PS3 game from 11 years ago. He wants to play Asscreed and Black Ops.

>ace combat
>dark alliance
no one cares
too boring and simplistic, series sucked until 3
worst game in the series
no one cares
>GTA 3
series wasn't good until San Andreas
most boring game I've ever played, typical Snoy movie
>Jak and Daxter
this is actually good
literally 75% cut-scenes, codec calls regularly stretched out to be longer than 30 minutes. AKA typical snoy movie shit
>Silent Hill 2
snoy movie shit

Snoy has never been good. Out of all 10 of those games only 2 were not shit

yup, it's a good buy for anyone that never bought an xbox one x, which is a lot of people.

>$200 more than the Series S
>30% weaker

Where did it all go wrong?

>Demons Souls
>Sackboy Adventures
>Spider-Man Miles Morales
>Spider-Man Remastered
>Assassins Creed Valhala
>Astro's Playroom
>Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
>Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
>Destruction All Stars

Attached: uhbvvdfjkfdvdsf.jpg (800x450, 41.34K)

not a snoy but how do you figure the series s is stronger? it has less vram and a weaker gpu.

>third party games on Switch
>games that are on PC and Xbox
>games that are ONLY on PS5
THOSE AREN'T GAMES I DON'T WANT THEM! *makes petition* *begs* *seethes*
>games that are ONLY on PS5 for the first year
>games that are ONLY on PS5/PC
>games that are ONLY on PS5/SeX

Thats the boat im in

>awesome immersive fun game with next gen graphics
you mean the game of the decade?
>dont forget bloodborne a masterpiece along with nioh 2
>last of us
has the entire lgbqt crowd
good game yes
more games just admit it dude

The harder you have to work the stronger you are.

>Anthony Burch

those arent launch games
if we include the first year of ps5 games it will btfo every console

this nigga actually used call of duty as a selling point

you are either a quality bait or a braindead snoy

Attached: 1509329674561.gif (193x200, 2.2M)


You say that but all the normie fucking polls voted for PS5 on lanuch lmao.

Everything you're greentexting makes perfect sense, why are you mad?

>Remake of a game riddled with issues that DaS1 fixed, now without the good aesthetics of the original
>The most floaty fucking series since Bubsy now as a full blown platformer
>Soiderman: Negroid Edition
>Soiderman: Twink Edition
>This is what Japan Studio has been lowered to
>Paying 60 bucks to get access to shit you can get on PC for free
>Fortnite: Cars Edition

>better CPU
>better GPU feature set and uarch
>faster effective I/O bandwidth
>greater effective RAM capacity
>better DX12U graphics API

Xbox's launch games

>BC games
>Assassin creed

PS5's launch games

>BC games
>Demons Souls
>Sackboy Adventures
>Spider-Man Miles Morales
>Spider-Man Remastered
>Assassins Creed Valhala
>Astro's Playroom
>Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
>Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
>Destruction All Stars
>God Fall

OH NONONONNO. Literally will get zero media attention while xbox will only have BC game test videos. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Imagine being uppity about children's toys.

i was fucking your mother last night and she said not to tell lies, you should listen to her.

Why lie?

Attached: launch games.png (669x554, 92.26K)

ok, so what? this isn't about 'who will buy what more', it's about 'what is the better purchase', for which, the series x is clearly top dog.

the architecture might be better, but 20 CUs vs 36? the series s has a weaker gpu.

>greater effective RAM capacity
not true at all, it has 8+2GB. you dont just magic more RAM. i dont think the 10+6 vs 16 between the series x and ps5 matters a great dealer, but missing 6GB isnt nothing.

>better DX12U graphics API
yeah thats a given, it still doesnt compensate missing 16 CUs desu

ps5 is clearly stronger than the S, the S is an ok product for its aims of 1080p, but honestly i think either console in all digital is a mistake

>launch games
Most of them are just Xbox One games. Yakuza already released EXCLUSIVELY on PS4 in Japan, btw

Yo retard, those weren't launch games, that was one year after the PS2 launched
>Armored Core 2
>DOA2: Hardcore
>Dynasty Warriors 2
>ESPN International Track and Field
>ESPN X-Games Snowboarding
>Eternal Ring
>Gun Griffon Blaze
>Madden NFL 2001
>Midnight Club
>Moto GP
>NHL 2001
>Q-Ball Billiards Master
>Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2
>Ridge Racer V
>Silent Scope
>Smuggler's Run
>Street Fighter EX3
>Swing Away
>Tekken Tag Tournament
>Unreal Tournament
>Wild Wild Racing
These were the launch games and a good chunk of them sucked

kek. based

>not true at all, it has 8+2GB. you dont just magic more RAM
SFS is an effective 2.5x multiplier on physical RAM capacity. It's in both Xboxes but not PS5
also PS5's GPU isn't much faster than SeS when matching CPU speeds

Attached: ps5 profiles.jpg (1065x1704, 149.85K)

Absolutely SOULLESS launch


Attached: chrome_2020-10-12_21-05-55.png (1959x156, 237.42K)

>Isn't for 4K