What games had awesome trailers but turned out to be shit when they actually came out

What games had awesome trailers but turned out to be shit when they actually came out

Attached: pokimane-1.jpg (1600x1600, 306.36K)

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Oh look a fucking video game


Edit: Thanks for the gold kind strangers, I know we're still suffering...all those hours of specualtion we lost..won't stop hurting...

What’s the best, affordable graphics card?

Attached: 50BA048D-0BBA-400B-AB7E-7CA80A302208.jpg (1024x704, 191.22K)

Shut up gay boy

Sonic 06


Is that really Pokimane? I thought she was some kind of Arab bitch.
Looks too white.

idk but I have a gtx 970 and it has yet to fail me. my shitty cpu from 2009 regularly bottlenecks it though

3070 and it's not even close.