So this... is the power of game pass? Fucking cricket? Paying 15 bucks a month and this is what they get? Do xbots really?
So this... is the power of game pass? Fucking cricket? Paying 15 bucks a month and this is what they get...
everybody should play Katana Zero 2bh
Cringe thread.
Age of Empires on Xbox when
Crickets on there?
Sorry I was too busy noticing Katana Zero and Tales of Vesperia.
Besides the awful art style Swords of Ditto is a fun game
A 3 hour long side scroller and an anime cringe fest? That's what game pass gives you?
Aoe kartana supraland and tales of vespernia are good games what's your point. Not everything is going to appeal to your tastes
>Paying 15 bucks a month
Not me, I just pay for the 1 month for a dollar deal.
Tales of Vesperia is a fucking 360 game, anyone interested has already played it. What the hell is this about not everything has to cater to your tastes? People who's tastes it caters to have already played the thing.
The only addition worth a pot to piss in is Katana Zero, and that's a side scroller you can finish in a few hours. It's insulting that Xbots keep telling us this is the best deal in gaming.
For the record thats the second half of this month, first half was
I'm interested and I haven't played it user. What now?
People consume games differently user, I haven't played Tales, Katana Zero, or AoE 3 and probably would never buy them, but I will still get to play them.
Best Deal in Gaming, stay mad.
A Gran Turismo clone, a generic FPS and a bunch of shit no one cares about? Wow, best deal in gaming.
Was about to buy Ikenfell, didn't realise it dropped on Game Pass. Thanks user
>I don't like these games so no one else does.
You sound really mad right now.
What games would make you subscribe then?
>A Gran Turismo
Gran Turismo is the PES of car games. Forza is tbe Fifa of car games.
I made a simple analogy that your Snoy might be able to understand
God of War, Uncharted, Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, Super Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, just off the top of my head.
Game Pass on the PlayStation, what else would make him sub?
The motherfucker probably got a life long PSN Now sub as we speak.
>ToP: DE
>Katanna Zero
>AoE3: DE
How is this not great? The other ones I've got no idea about, so could be good or bad.
What games that aren't console exclusives, then
No, gamepass is a scam and nobody uses this trash.
I find Odyssey a mediocre as fuck game, and that's probably the best game from your list.
Actually based I would never consider paying retail for a single one of those either
This is the sort of shit a marketer writes lmao
pretty based, i wouldn't pay full price for that filth either.
At least three games I’m interested in
Enough to keep me busy for a month
Thank you based xbox gamepass
holy fuck those are some bad games
>mfw we'll get Dragon Quest XI Ultimate Edition next month.
tales of vesperia definitive, now thats nice.
im still playing through Doom Eternal, gamepass rocks.
Can't MS just add all the Forzas instantly? What is taking them so long?
Oops, forgot to quote.
>Katana Zero
oh shit I gotta tell my xbox-onli friend to play this
>mfw it's a switch port and I bought the steam version day one
Drake hollow is literally unplayable on pc, the menu runs at 10fps no matter how good your hardware is. Didn't bother looking for a fix.
>paying for games
I almost choked on my jolly roger user
its a great game enjoy. good I wish I could play it multiplayer online, with the virus its hard to get together to play vesperia in multiplayer
I believe its due to licenses, forza and horizon are 2 different games, but apparently as soon as the new one comes out they remove the old one, assuming its due to avoid paying more licenses
I paid for gamepass on PC for a couple months, unsubbed when I got an email that said it was "coming out of beta so we're upping the price."
I got to play the single players games I wanted to on the cheap so I was fine with unsubbing.
Why does gamepass cause so much seethe??
Plays just fine for me. Decent little game, I plan to go back and finish it soon. I think I played it before the most recent Nvidia driver update so maybe that broke something?
snoys cant stop losing
because its not a Sony thing, the moment Sony copies it, people will say "gamepass was ahead of its time, but now its the perfect time"
Maybe there's a guy that has a review that said the same thing on the xbox app so I just uninstalled it