It's October and there aren't any horror games coming out. This shit is depressing

It's October and there aren't any horror games coming out. This shit is depressing
>inb4 someone posts an RPG maker game that "plays with your expectations" and "has an interesting lore if you read the notes"

Attached: PRQUxDw.png (452x640, 84.63K)

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Phasmophobia literally just came out last month and it's fucking kino especially with friends.

>inb4 that doesn't count
>inb4 what you actually want is AAA watered down mass marketed trash with fancy graphics and no originality

Obscure is a game i never hear anyone here Talking About, despite being a better resident Evil than resident Evil, it's also scarier.

The new Amnesia is coming out

name literally one single good horror game. that's right you can't they all suck shit.

Throwing a ball around is fun with friends

Amnesia Rebirth but you contrarian niggers wouldn't play it.

There are loads coming out, whether they actually will be worth a damn is a different thing

Attached: file.png (975x1261, 486.55K)

>inb4 someone posts an RPG maker game that "plays with your expectations" and "has an interesting lore if you read the notes"
yes, play rpg maker horror games that play with your expectations and have good story and atmosphere, if you want a horror game to be exactly as you expect then you're scared of getting scared. And expecting big companies to make a big budget horror game is retarded because they can't make it too scary to appeal to a bigger audience, so you always know what to expect. When you download a random free horror game you have no idea wtf you're getting into, it might be shit but it might be horrifying, and thats how you get scared