>Zig Forums keeps memeing how great this game is
>buy it and play for an hour
>literally feels like a truck ran over my wrist
Zig Forums keeps memeing how great this game is
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The control scheme is a bit of a mess but it's good regardless.
imagine being a wristlet
Change the controls so that the x,y,b,a control the reticle/camera. It sounds horrible but you can basically use those buttons like a d-pad and it makes it so much better.
My theory is people who only had a 3ds love this game. I will never understand its appeal. I'm an actual kid icarus fan and didn't struggle with the controls. I simply do not understand why people like it.
I had a bunch of consoles and it's still one of my favorites. It's a great return of the series. The controls can be a little odd to grasp but they're not that bad. The story is enjoyable, characters are great, and the gameplay overall feels solid. It's just a nice package all around with hardly a thing to speak poorly of.
One of your favorite what? It's not anywhere near one of the greatest games of all time. This is the type of lunacy I'm referring to. Also vaguely referencing the characters which have close to no dialogue. I swear you guys are just cooming to this shit.
Did you guys ever play any FPS on the ds? It's literally the same thing. Just hold the console with the pinky of your hand handling the stylus, and move it with your fingers holding it, not with your wrist.
>I'm an actual kid icarus fan
Oh boy here we go
>Also vaguely referencing the characters which have close to no dialogue.
So you didn't play the game at all, talk about lunacy