>Game has a binary morality system
>Letting it influence how you play the game because you want the good boy points/naughty boy points
Game has a binary morality system
I will once again remind you that Stirner was blond and the only reason Stirnermemers assumed he had black hair was because he looks darker and edgier that way
>when fable narrator said he was capable of great good and great evil
made me proud gamer, stood on a spinning computer chair and danced during the credits
Nah, the player is making the morality system his property by making choices based on the rewards he wishes to receive rather than being possessed by the developer's reward system. It's only a spook if you let it control you rather than you controlling it.
>Pacifist run
Surely being socially engineered by the reward dangling over your head instead of making the choices in the moment that please you the most is inherently a spook
>he doesn't choose the options how the character would
The choice is not what option to pick, the choice is what reward you decide you want.
>being a goody two-shoes is the only way to get bonus quests and unique rewards while immoral actions only give you money (which is basically useless after a few hours of play) and prevent you from seeing half the game's content
name five games
i hated that in mass effect
>moral system
>game punishes bad choices
>how the character would
you are character, you choose how you would
I had much more fun doing what I want instead of caring for alignment or quests when I replayed the whole trilogy.
every bioware game. they probably made more than 5
and so the dog sits and offers his paw
>You get the most content by going neutral
>Moral system.
>Game rewards you for choosing the same option every time.
Only true if you do so blindly. If you look up what the rewards are beforehand, you choose the path you take to get what you want. If you didn't know and are only assuming that one side or the other has better rewards, then the game and your preconceptions are controlling you. Nigger.
They lock content even if you are doing good route, in the end amount of content is around the same
>Game with moral option
>Being moral or immoral provides you with different dialogue options and a completely different character arc and an altered personality.
Any examples?
Is this related to some Aryan fantasy?
Infamous minus a different arc
it's been a while since i played mass effect, but wasn't the evil choice outright refusing doing any sidequests and good choice was begging to help to choose if an unborn baby should get autism or not?
Yeah but what if I play games for an ounce of fuckin' soul in my life? I'd rather not care while playing and hate the game as if it were God when it gives shitty rewards for honest behavior
Fucking Postal 3
Then do that. That's the best way to play anyway because most games with moral systems are easy as fuck anyway and you won't need the goody twoshoes sword of +2 to win.
Great modern example to be honest. Undertale's a good time
>you make sure that the city will survive through the storm
>built prisons for rebels, because otherwise your city is fucked
>that was bad of (You), here, have
>"But was it worth it?"
To this day this shit amuses me. You are making sure humanity will survive through apocalypse, dictatorship is fucking perfect for that and only natural way to do it. But bad ending for fucking prisons? I can understand bad ending for going turbo fascist/cultist, but for prisons?
Game? Frostpunk?
Obviously the problem with morality systems is that the devs are in control of it, and as people they simply will not respect if you believe in wrath or any old testament hardass behavior. I will give Mass Effect credit for choosing human terms like Paragon and Renegade, except the morality system in that trilogy is entirely bunk and the entire story sector is a joke
Evil choice besides choosing to refuse quest could be demanding payment from childs family and threatening them if the don't pay.
I was talking about special missions for getting large amount of paragon/renegate points.
Oh, and I'm curious, does anyone know any games with a morality system that reward strict leadership and hierarchy? My entire point is that morality systems only exist so writers can judge players, every other game that doesn't include them, usually rewards efficiency and mathematical thinking, and the concept of a morality system in general is only useful for including altruism or different liberal ideals into a story