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L 0 L
a real knee slapper
loo loo loo
why it wouldn't?
>She's not wearing underneath
I don't know why but that is hotter than just wearing the bikini armour
Name 5 actual big budget games released in the last decade that do this. I can think of Tera, Lineage, Soul Calibur I guess?
How much for the full set?
DA:O if you install mods
>why it wouldn't
does anyone even get bent out of shape about bikini armor anymore?
Oh so any game if you install mods. Fuck off, retard.
Is there even a popular game released these past two years that has bikini armor?
Drumpftards btfo'd
soul calibur 6 is the only one that comes to mind
Before this gets 404'd any good western porn comics with grounded characters and a cute artstyle? You know good shit like feeling guilty after having sex with a guy they don't like, getting really really mad after someone cums in their pussy and they said no. (None of that gay "it's okay if you take responsibility shit")
>not posting the whole thing
What's the deal with the veins?
What's the deal with the dude's head?
Based AGP chad
this did not age well
W-what's AGP?
>soul calibur
>last decade
Last time I saw this is was triggering a bunch of redditors who kept claiming this was pro trans or something
yeah it did
Don't ask why the author is mad at bikini armor when it doesn't exist anymore, ask why they had to take bikini armor away from you.
All Guardsmen Party
are you implying the 3DS doesn't have an amazing library?
I...I gotta be honest Zig Forums.
I LOL'd at this one.
>punchline is executed perfectly in 2 panels, no more no less
>you immediately understand what the joke is on
>its a unique twist you don't typically see
Is this it? The final form of LOL threads?
This would be an effective parody item in a game. You wear the armor and it confuses the monster thinking you're vulnerable and weaker in defense, so they all attack and it's passive weakens them instead.
I don't get it
What RPG allows you to dress up a female character in lewd armor and NPCs will comment on it? Can't be a hentai rpgmaker game.
It is true as it is now as it was back then
Retards. You ever realize that uh.... this comic is OLD, which is the reason it talks about outdated stuff
Ive explicitly stated it
Haha. Lack of fire awareness bad.
giddy up
epic bait
wasted trips
>Why it wouldn't?
Dumb fucking ESLs
it has a shit library
the only reason to own a 3DS is to play DS games
big kusa
You get it guise? He draw a RAI stone to symbolize fiat money killing the economy haha.
The launch titles did suck. And it took a while for actually good games and an easy hack to come.
Kill yourself