

Attached: Rin.png (601x582, 167.4K)

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I have 2 actually

expand upon this


>471 results found

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You know the number 1? Okay now do that again.

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I do. I'm literally texting her right now

ITT: actual mental illness
kys OP

>when you gf find your seed so strong that it has to share

I'll draw my own

Bros, I know this is a shitposting thread so I'm just gonna ask here.
I have a problem, Zig Forums. I've been wondering, if I'm having sex doggy style, then my lower abdomen will smell like shit because it's repeatedly getting in contact with her anus.. but if I have sex in the missionary position, then my balls will be the one that keeps hitting her anus and smell like shit.

WTF bros, what's a good sex position where none of your body parts get into contact with her anus?

I get zero matches on dating apps and sites

dont want one

Just make her wear crotchless latex dipshit.

tell her to fucking wipe after taking a shit dude, or use a buttplug

I've given up on 3d women.

get a clean gf

what about telling her to fking clean her ass with water after shitting?
then dry it before getting dressed?


What do?

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I am a cuckold

Because if I draw pictures of my crush she will not like it. It will happen like this.

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I hate being around people, especially women,


>video games

Sucking dick is soo much better

What if this happens

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be happy that i at least made someone smile for once and hope it's a genuine smile and not just faking it

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>get married next year

I just broke up with my gf, quit my job too. I’m gonna be focusing full time on my volunteer work for the Trump campaign. I’ll actually get to travel with Trumps team and be up close to Trump himfuckingself. Jelly, faggots?

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I do and desu it's more than I deserve


I'm socially stunted and don't know how to interact with new people. I'm so lonely. I want to be touched

Because I have a waifu.

Volunteering is for faggots.

so, you will get coronaed?

i'm an evil soulless wretched incel

I dunno what to say lol. They're both girls I used to fuck in high school. They dont know I'm seeing the other one. I feel like they'd be okay with it but not gonna risk it

Memevirus. Everyone In Trumps camp who caught it recently made full recoveries already. It’s actually brilliant 4D chess. The libcucks either have to face the fact that either, 1. Trump is stronger then they think or 2. The virus is weaker than they claim

Because I'm not good enough.

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You're late.

>jannies remove Little Tom thread instantly
>leave this up

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women genuinely don't know how to clean themselves. I'm serious, I've dated more than one that didn't understand why they constantly fucking reeked downstairs. It's NOT supposed to smell like fucking fish.

I don't know what the hell I ate, but it feels like I've been shitting napalm. I can't even sit down comfortably right now because it feels like my asshole just got tear gassed.

I’m too high iq for them roasties.

you know most people that had it even if they recover or didnt have any symptom are showing secondary effects, right?

>he doesn't know

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