
do Smash rosterfags...really?

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This video has aged like wine

Who own Geno's IP? Nintendo or EE?

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why are you posting the Pokken 2 twink? Go away


Rosterfags are retarded and I suspect they don't even play the game. Pirhana Plant, Incineroar and Blyleth were all fantastic fighters.

So we can forget seeing him on Smash

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yup, even Crono has a bit of a chance, looking at S-E's love for remakes.
Mommy (Cloud) and Daddy (Hero) are already in anyways.

It's kind of funny that there will be a billion and one roster threads in the time between character releases, but when a character actually is released there's threads for like a day


They don't actually play the game much, or at least most of them. Once a long time requested character gets in, they move down the list and spam the next one. Ridley->krool->banjo are prime examples (the first two are actually pretty good nintendo characters to add though).



not as bad as the guy who made a hour amd a half video

>Using math for speculation
>Geno upfront and center in the thumbnail
I hope my final most wanted gets in so I can finally stop coming into these threads

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Rosterfags dont play smash, or video games in general. They ESPECIALLY don't play any of the source games their characters come from, but this is common with smashies who dont play anything other than the Nintendo Selects(tm). I mean these ARE the "people" who are paying 55$ (U.S Dollars) for fucking mystery DLC

Isn’t this whole thing a joke about how mathematical odds are irrelevant?

isn't this the ThatOneMartini faggot? that dude's an autist even /sci/ would get a chuckle to his pseud-intellegence on fucking Smash Bros speculation.

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Its pretty clear theyre throwing the crazies a bone here and adding as many of the fan choices as they can. Geno probably will be confirmed as one of the absolute final, last picks.

>Geno probably will be confirmed as one of the absolute final, last picks.
don't make the same mistake again

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Have they confirmed how many more they're going to do? If they do 2 more seasons thats 10 more characters right? They could still pack in a dozen random irrelevant FE and Pokémon picks too.

genofags are a different breed of smashtards

this is absolutely going to be the last season since the team is getting smaller per development.

oh boy I got a regression just by watching that, suddenly my mind dug out APPLES and the pre-/mlp/ shitpost wars.

I always thought Crono would be cool, but I think his design has too much overlap with Hero to justify his inclusion now unfortunately.

- Some random barren dimension has a single portal that leads to Battlefield. A star enters the dimension, and uses 'Smash Logic' to morph into a puppet. It looks at the portal with a letter in his hand, and he nods.

>Geno Descends from the stars!

- But the letter gets snatched from his hand, and a tall plumber quickly books it towards the portal

>Waluigi steals the show!?

- Geno and Waluigi spend the next few seconds dunking on each other, showcasing some of their signature moves in the process. Waluigi comes out on top and gets less than a foot away from the portal. In a last ditch effort, Geno fires a 3-star Geno Beam. Waluigi sees it coming and trips below its range while dropping the invitation. The invitation gets fried and the portal was destroyed all in one shot.

- Waluigi 'wahs' his head off at Geno because now none of them can get in the game, or so they thought. They hear two nostalgic noises, and another portal opens, looking more different; more purple.


- An identical invitation falls into both Geno and Waluigi's hands. They turn around to find that that another traveler has an invitation as well. He gives them an earnest smile, letting them know that everyone will be okay.

>Crono saves this timeline!

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If steve was planned for an E3 reveal before the virus delayed everything there is a good chance the next fighter was planned for the 30 year mario anniversary

I just want Bandana Waddle Dee since he's fun to play as in the Kirby games with the same baseline to carry over so he would be a fun smash character as well, simple as

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Bandana Waddle Dee is the most fucking boring character out of Kirby, I'd rather have someone like Susie over generic enemy but with headwear

cool opinion bro

You know it’s bad when people actually want filler characters.

Who is that pinocchio looking dude?


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Yes. If you watch the videos where he actually does the math, it fucking mangles the rules of statistics and probability. They used shit like gender and genre distribution to say that we're 100% guaranteed to get at least 3 male characters and at least 1 platformer rep while constantly saying their math is completely infallible. It's a blatant shitpost and anyone who takes it seriously has room temperature IQ.

Based Glauberposter, but announcing three slots at once wouldn't be smart at this point.

>patternfagging the video

cool opinion bro, you should be thankful I don't pretend my pick is super important to videogame hisory

how do you manage to make something more boring than an illegal wrestler or james bond lizard.

Half the roster can be described as filler characters