

Inshallah Patherbros

Attached: file.png (700x700, 624.48K)

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>a number of things are still in progress
Update in 8 months, got it

Quick rundown?

Skill system revamp
Officer system revamp
New resource that plays into every system, new and old, called Story Points
Colony system revamped
Marine system revamped
New contract system
REDACTED fleshed out more
REDACTED ships can now be salvaged and used in your fleet but only when piloted by AI cores and not directly
>"Added unique capital-class ship that can be acquired by the player. Good luck."
Hegemony penis inspection revamped
>"Added a new, very rare and powerful enemy: 13 new special weapons specific to this enemy"
Four new ships: Fury, Champion, Phantom and Revenant
Brawler buffed
Astral nerfed
Drover nerfed
PD weapons universally buffed
Big cannon weapons like Antimatter Blasters no longer stop when they meet missiles
Map AI fleets are more retarded, battle AI fleets are less retarded

I started playing with hey hey video, all this changes are normal?

yes, dev likes to do extremely sporadic updates with massive overhauls and system additions

Yeah, just enjoy the ride

I felt it was cooming, reinstalled this week

Added built-in Heavy Ballistics Integration
Increased armor to 900 (was: 750)
Increased hull to 6000 (was: 5000)
Reduced shield flux/damage to 1 (was: 1.2)
Heavy Armor: reduced maneuver penalty to 10%, moderately increased armor bonus

Low tech chads rise up

Attached: Onslaught_hegemony.png (240x320, 137.03K)

Nice, that means mods should be updated in a month or so.

>Onslaught buff

Attached: starsector gu3489h.jpg (640x667, 348.25K)

>Recall Device: now has a 30 second cooldown

Attached: Astral2.png (320x440, 149.81K)

Shit game.

no u

What are some good faction mods?

Attached: 1596256485208.gif (400x300, 2.27M)

Diable Avionics, most of the time. Ship design is good, balance tends to oscillate between OP and useless.

Most important question, does late game not suck anymore and if early/mid game parts are longer?

mayasuran navy is a solid midline faction

nice, been waiting for this. PLEASE Zig Forums don't shit on my fav PLEASE

>already could kill whole fleet of capitals on my Onslaught
>she gets buffed
Fuck yes

But can I fuck my AI cores!?

Do not listen to his lies Most faction mods are horribly unbalanced and ships are grotesquely OP.
Vayra's ship pack seems pretty good, no ridiculous mechawarping 999999dps abominations

Interdasting. It's good game when if you can afford to just "lose" a week.

Thats cool but Diable isnt one of them
Nowadays theyre pretty lackluster

it's almost like the game is still in development

Attached: op.jpg (226x223, 4.73K)

kill system revamp:
Four aptitudes
Each aptitude has 5 tiers of 2 skills each
Pick one of two skills at each tier

Fuck that noise.

Yes, I'm a retard but where's the download link? 0.9.1a Release is all I can find and yes, I did buy the game ages ago.

>Big cannon weapons like Antimatter Blasters no longer stop when they meet missiles
fuck yes

Attached: 1a0.png (532x488, 409.66K)

>faction mods will still be fucked due to autistic discord trannies doxxing creators unless they "balance" their faction with everyone else

>Emergency Burn no longer makes the fleet ignore terrain penalties
Uhhh what? Then you won't be able to use it to get out of a black hole?

These are preliminary patch notes for the upcoming new version. He always posts the patch notes a week or two before releasing the actual update.

Naise, thread theme:

Attached: screenshot005.png (1920x1200, 1.32M)

>hint of an endgame threat
>yfw the gates work once again and redacted flood into the sector

Attached: 1596198456031.gif (500x500, 1.56M)

Diable got nerfed hard by autistic discord trannies to the point that they're not even that good at their old niche (carriers)