Choose your monster companion

Choose your monster companion

Attached: choose your monster almost no text edition.png (1080x650, 60.59K)

Where's the cute little girl one?

dlc pack 1

Attached: choose your monster - featuring dante from the devil may cry series.png (2336x2328, 233.69K)

minotaur is hot

What is this, discount Zig Forumsermin?

Attached: Grypher.png (1180x1060, 127.59K)

The dragon can fly and has two elements, he's obviously the best choice.

minotaur. didn't read the stats, just love me some minotaurs

Attached: Maulotauro_(Heretic).png (640x480, 498.33K)

dlc pack 2

Attached: choose your monster - eldritch edition.png (4000x4000, 244.48K)

i choose the dragon to fuck
screw you

been using these threads to figure out ways to differentiate my take on monster catching by seeing how anons discuss things