OH NO NO NO NO Bethesda new games will only be timed XBOX exclusives. They will still be releasing games on the PS5
OH NO NO NO NO Bethesda new games will only be timed XBOX exclusives. They will still be releasing games on the PS5
Imagine playing video games on a console lmao
Why would this guy know what Phil Spencer is going to do?
The humanity!
>buying a Bethesda game on console
If Sony doesn't turn them down out of spite.
And with that said, there probably won't be any crossplay or mod support there because of Sony.
Good, making a game an exclusive is a shitty practice. At least Microsoft is finally realising this.
Keep coping, n*gger, you ain't getting shit on PS5.
cope of the fucking century
What is the point of lying on Internet?
Seems like cope lmao
AHAHAHAHA cope snoy you aint getting shit!
weak cope bait
nah, just PC
>buying a Bethesda game
>release your game on your console first
>hold it in your ecosystem for an entire year (or more), PSchyzos guranteed to buy a xbox/pc to be able to play skyrim 2
>release it on the piss5 a year (or more) after launch to get extra sales from third worlders
Just a seething Snoy fanboy hoping.
haha Fallout 76 2 Xbox only, we did it msbros
It would be based if it releases same day on PS5, but the PS5 version is something ridiculous like $500
The Elder Seethe Copelivion
Charge 60 or game pass for your games, and on ps4 price them at 70 or 80 and the ultimate edition being 120
People who buy Bethesda games on a console deserve their fate.
When Microsoft acquired Mojang, they were forthcoming and clear about what platforms it would appear on. In the press release they put out on the day of the deal they stated that Minecraft would continue to appear on every platform. By contrast, after the Bethesda acquisition, on the subject of exclusivity Phil Spencer has been roundabout and evasive. He has not closed the door on Bethesda games on PS5, it's true, but overwhelmingly his answers on this topic have not given much cause for hope. When asked about exclusivity, he talks at length about how this deal benefits Xbox. He emphasizes the range of platforms in the Xbox ecosystem (PC, Xbox, and xCloud). He has even said outright that Microsoft does not need to put Bethesda games on PlayStation to recoup their massive investment, putting to bed the false notion that Microsoft was bound by mathematics to put The Elder Scrolls VI on PS5.
If Bethesda's games will be exclusive to the Xbox ecosystem, why hasn't Phil Spencer said so? I think the answer is obvious: it would look bad. They were eager to talk about Minecraft's non-exclusivity because that was good news; by contrast, they are cagey about whether Bethesda's games will be exclusive, and it's probably because the state of the facts are going to displease a great many people.
>Release 1 copy per state on PS5 and make them gamestop exclusive
>buying anything from Bethesda for a console
this was obvious to anyone with a brain
>What Microsoft owns, Sony cannot get
How unclear was this to Sony fanboys?
>playing bethesda games on console instead of pc
you have ot be literally retarded to do this
Oblivion is fun with mods.
never EVER EVER snoytards
Like Halo Infinite on PS5 right?
so how long before timed exclusives are anti consumer again in the eyes of our sony friends?
you have no brain
pay 7,5$ billion and leave now owned games as multiplats?
are you fucking retarded?
Sorry I only trust based Phil and not some Twitter rando
A desperate snoy wrote this. Sonyfags will spend the entire gen port-begging.
Why does this get me hard?
>buying a game
imagine playing video games at all lmao
>t. literally who
Twitter/Reddit screencap threads should be a bannable offense.
Would would anyone expect anything more than a timed console exclusivity contract? To put it a different way: why would they opt to miss out on a massive revenue stream by going platform exclusive? There is no chance Microsoft would compensate them for permanent Xbox exclusivity to the tune of how much they would make by publishing on the PS4 (and any other platform) as well and so it wouldn't make sense that they would sign anything but a timed platform exclusive deal.
Bethesda/Zenimax is one of the most platform agnostic players in the business, after all. I wouldn't be surprised if they've ported Skyrim to public toilet used syringe bins.
All these exclusives wars will unironically destroy gaming.
Microsoft owns Zenimax.