What games do women play

What games do women play

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geez her nipples are really hard


Women don't play video games.

women dont play video games

Mobile games and the sims

From observing my sister: mostly JRPGs.


Post her thighs

animal crossing probably

Cock Carousel: Chad edition

TV, shopping, food, make-up.
That's all you will ever find a woman doing for recreation.

I dont think I could look somebody like her in the face. The different colored eyes weird me out.

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Until Dawn

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I'll take it immediately then, oh my god

big gay

>mostly JRPGs.
Not surprised she plays a genre that's feminized.

Mario Kart with my gf


>american posting hours
>endless barrage of simps making simp threads over femoids and seething about whites
And of course, the female is a mutt.

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mommy milky

The more life goes on the more I hate women

She has an amazing 10/10 rack but you have to admit the eyes are weird

i got my girlfriend into Portal 2, we're about halfway through (just finished the underground Cave Johnson portion). The games she really loves tho are Animal Crossing and Mario Kart. Likes to watch me play Odyssey, but wasn't into playing it herself. IDK if this is a thing with all gals, but my gf really likes linear gameplay, so I'm hoping 3D World on the Switch will be a ball to play together. Really into Among Us too but I think that's just cause everyone is.

She always tells me what she looks for in a game is aesthetic and "cuteness". So a lot of stuff is off the table.

let me guess, it's always your idea.



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my gf plays Guitar Hero, shes so fucking addicted to that shit.

simps 4

Got a loicense for that image, ahmed?

You might enjoy penis

Whatever they like.
Mine pretty much exclusively likes racing/fighting games. Anything that has open-ended or sandbox set your own goals stuff bores her.

Your relationship

whatever their boyfriend is playing

>drool over mutts
>get mocked for it
Why are Americans such living embodiments of the idea of doublethink?

She would make you uncomfortable irl

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Yeah, uncomfortable in the pants


Is it the mid to late 2000s again?

nu-tomb raider

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My older sister oddly only plays Fighting Games and is pretty decent at them.
Younger sister is really into board games and will play the occasional Pen and Paper RPG.

You’re genuinely a homosexual if you don’t find this specimen attractive

>curly hair, freckles, negroid face, indicating non-white admixture
>just non-white enough for blacks and mutts, because we all know how colorism is rampant in US
>fake tits
>huge hips, because of course muh booty
>tattoo, not even a requirement at this point, but so normal these days not having it is seem as weird
>lips, not small, not too big, the right amount of african-like

the mutt ideal

I'd rather fuck a heart of darkness afrika ebony qween than this weird racial abomination

I’m 26 and live with my mom. Wonder if I got a chance


I would without question fuck both... Well, I might ask the African lass if she has AIDS.

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That tattoo is horrendously ugly

my gf plays lots of bloodborne and dark souls
animal crossing
also she just replays the 3d zeldas over and over
and she speedruns yoshis story

I show my gf tons of games and she's loved them. So far her favorites are Fallout 3(no idea why, she likes it over NV and 4) and Bloodborne

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No, I'm simply not an animal, unlike you, American.
The female creature is a lesser one that deserves abuse to keep in check, not any worship.

>heart of darkness afrika ebony qween
What's with Americanoids and their endless praise of the negro creature?

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he was so ill

who cares

Those milkers are real

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Give me quads because all these bitches look pretentious

That's not a women, that's a prostitute.

You too?

huminna huminna huminna NICE MILKERS

Bates' Motel, based

He was right in everything he said about women.

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so who is this

Seeething /polcel/
Someone post it.


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Mutt women are probably the sexiest specimens alive you flamer fag

Why do you write like you're some sort of a fucking writer you autistic little shit, I'll fucking dunk your head in the toilet you larping sperg, not to imply that'd be a new experience for you

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Dios mio...Espiritu del Señor. Espiritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo, Santisima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, Angeles, arcangeles y santos del paraiso, descended sobre mi.
Fundeme, Señor, llename de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquilas, destruyelas. Expulsa de mi los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, la estafa...
Por favor, destruye la infestacion diabolica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad fisica, psiquica, moral, espiritual y diabolica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura...
Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca mas me toquen a mi ni a ningun ser.
Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los esporitus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominacion... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcangel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talon de la Virgen Santisima Inmaculada, aleja el aberracion geneteca...
El ogro de las Americas...

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disregard this I love BBC yummy

ayyy my sister

How old is she

No makeup

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women play games with my heart