Play PSO2

Play PSO2

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I'm playing it now. Katana braver is really fun. The charge skills make you feel like a Iai master.

No thanks, still playing bb.

Isn't New Genesis right around the corner? Why not just wait till then?

I tried but it's like 8 years old and convoluted as fuck

The braindead musou tier gameplay filtered me. Dogshit as a game but the customization is great

male CAST faggots are usually people compensating for something btw, probably microdick

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Apparently its launching with only 3 classes and the archetype that i like isn't one of them (bow user)

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Does it still use shitty anticheat?

What makes this game better than xiv?

less trannies

Jesus those faces are uncanny

Alot of cosmetics transfer over so you'll be missing out on alot of unique stuff / collab equips if you don't start now.

you forgot to mention that there is 1000x more faggots. Especially public erp tards posting their generic catgirls in lobby.

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I'll stick to blue burst

shit game.

I finally deleted my old JP install last night. 50gb+ freed for literally anything else. Not coming back on EN either.
The wind's finally at my back. Feels good.

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shoulda nigga drop some stacks on this

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Cool crossover but no thanks.

I prefer PSU, thanks. PSO2 has shit music, shit art, and shit gameplay.

Somebody redpill me on the gameplay loop

Modern gacha bullshit. Play a PSO1 private server or wait for PSU‘s Clementine to launch.

>he actually went through the garbage that was EP4-6
My condolences. I quit back in 2016 and only came back recently to get cosmetics for NGS, because a hard reset is exactly what this trashfire needed.

Really wish they would release this for consolefags like myself.

If I wanted to paly it what are the unga bunga classes? Like I just want to deal damage and take it too.

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Psu was pretty ok but the item and mat grind was awful

Play final fantasy 14

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no point investing time into the game now when NGS is next year

it'll be in later though, since all the weapon camos are carrying over but they said you obviously wouldn't be able to use the ones for classes that haven't yet been added

Of the 3D Phantasy Stars, Universe has objectively the best relationship between drops and the gameplay loop. The original Online definitely takes the cake in terms of story, but Universe‘s AotI put the gameplay itself above and beyond, especially compared to the horrible vomit that is PSO2.

Literally the most vanilla of all classes, Hunter. All you do is swing a big sword like a caveman, so it's the easiest to play, by far.

It also has a passive skill that automatically heal you when you take enough damage and one that allows you to survive death with 1 HP. It's also has ridiculous defense and a block skill that can block literally anything as long as you time it correctly, which is piss easy.

You literally cannot die playing Hunter. Not unless you actively want to kill yourself.

People playing PSO2 are doing it for the collab cosmetics that will carry over.

nah play pso2 instead

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Will I enjoy PSO2 if I spoiled myself by watching BOTH of the PSO anime?

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Waiting for the new one before i jump in

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I hate how rare this stupid head is. You could only get one, so you can't buy another one and make it account bound

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