
Ask someone who just played the closed beta of Back4Blood anything.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-10-18 055939.png (797x448, 474.45K)

how did my dick taste like


Is it basically L4D3?

does the movement feel good like source or is it the same stupid fucking stiff movement like in every other UE game?


when is it releasing?

What color are my underwear

The fuck is this?

does it have versus

pink with red hearts

Yes, but the zombies feel much more... "Heavier", like every hit hurts and they are actually quite formidable, as opposed to L4D zombies where they're basically paper.

Unfortunately it's like every other UE game, the game also has iron sights.

No Microtransactions that I could see. There is some kind of card system though. Basically, you choose your "deck" which is your spec (So Cleaner, Medic, Bruiser, Marksman. Think Dead Island). You also have Loadout Cards that give you a perk as well as Corruption Cards which work against you.

Releasing, I'm not sure. I only got invited to play it.

Not on this one, it's just the first campaign called Evansburgh.

Unfortunately it's all watermarked, I will try to find some content to post but I risk my job at the same time telling you cunts this.