To expand SSD storage on Sex you push a Seagate card into a slot

>To expand SSD storage on Sex you push a Seagate card into a slot
>To place the SeX horizontally you just tilt it onto its left side

How can anyone take Snoy engineering seriously anymore?

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I'm not putting any seagate crap near anything I own

Really. They should think about their audience more. They aren't intelligent enough to build PCs in the first place.

On PS5 you can put in a 2tb ssd for the same price as 512gb for Xbox

wtf even goes into the ps5 slot there? a candy bar?

You won't even need to expand SeX storage as it has 300GB more available space than PS5.

An M2 SSD, dipshit.

>To expand SSD storage on Sex you push a $300 Seagate card into a slot. Soon after the card will reach 90° C

What a dumb larp. PCI-E 4 SSDs are expensive no matter what form factor. The Xbox one is like $20 more than a normal one.

SDD's are half the size of and HDD but have the same shape, how do they fit in there?

>hurray expensive propriety storage

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230GB. PS5 OS is confirmed 109GB, Series OS is 170GB.

Sony's design is less elegant but 100% more consumer friendly. You can essentially buy any m.2 ssd you want. With Xbox you have to buy that proprietary overpriced shit.

xboxniggas be like :UmM GeE wIlKeR gUyS tHe NeW xBox Is LiKe ToTaLlY pRo-ConSuMeR

sonyniggas be like: nah white boy how you finna be pro consumer when you gotta buy a propeiatary storage drive

This. the state of Xbox IQ.


Unless Msoft gonna keep the Memory card prices in line with Standard component pricing then the PS4 is the winner here. Just takes a Random Sale of PCI 4.0 SSDs and the Xbox memory cards will look vastly more expensive

MS don't want you to open the Xbox.

Inside though, it uses a NON-SOLDERED 2230 NVME PCI-E 4 SSD. Still one step above Sony's solution.

Seagate only has unironically already been deboonked. Just Seagate at launch.
I dont see why you need extra storage when it have no games worth installing.



MS don't want you to open the cast cause its not screwed on correctly.

>I dont see why you need extra storage when it have no games worth installing.
You could fill it day 1 with Gamepass.

>more expensive propriety shit
Come on retard

>"push a Seagate card in a slot"
>a positive

anyone who have had some experience with a harddrive knows to stay away from that shit.

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You guys do know that a lot of fights are going to start in the future because jackass invites friend over, then after they leave jackass realizes that his 1TB storage that he paid $220 for is suddenly missing and in their friends pocket, right?
Having something that is expensive, small enough to hide and easily resalable on places like eBay and craiglist.

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An m2 SSD looks more like a stick.

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maybe try not having niggers as friends

Jesus. Console users really are poors.

We're talking about the XBOX. You have to consider the target audience here. Also there will be a lot of kids who are more inclined to do dumb stuff.

>maybe try not having niggers as friends
There goes the Xbox user base then.

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If i should own series X i would buy series S instead of expansion card

Can't prove him wrong, I'll use a buzz word... please kill yourself and stream it.

Yea, fill it with all those xbox one games. Lmao.

Don't you have San Andreas to play for the nth time before your mom's crack fiend pays his daily visit?

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>proprietary ssd will only be $20 more expensive than the common form factor
The delusion here is hilarious

Wat? Snyggerstation has always been the choice of blacks, don't kid yourself.

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>The Xbox one is like $20 more than a normal one

*hand rubbing noises in the distance*

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Seagate Memory Card 1TB: £219.99
Sabrent 1TB Rocket Nvme PCIe 4.0 M.2 2280 Internal SSD: £199.99

Shut the fuck up.

stfu microdick incel whiteboy

how overpriced is it? i'm scared

Nah Nintendo is the niggerstation.

That search history is a little redundant since only niggers would use a console to view porn. That's what laptops are for.

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>made up numbers

bout tree fiddy

Cute, he's repeating what his crack-daddy said to him! Been awhile since he's payed you a visit, huh? Your Snyggerstation will always keep you company though, you can trust in that.

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Around 20$

Near $80-100 more than a stand m.2 you can find on sale. Prices will also fall for regular m.2 as the years go back while that Seagate shit will always retail for $220.

Remove plastic and 1 screw. Wow, very technical. MS wins this for sure.

Are microshills really defending proprietary ssd?

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wow really? that is FUCKED up

Let's compare it to one of the few PS5 verified SSDs.

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>western digital
Are you even trying?

>MS cucks defending proprietary memory cards


>suggested price

Those m.2 prices will fall within a year. You think the Seagate ones will? MS fucked up with such a stupid decision. Even fucking nintendo lets you use a microSD to expand the switches storage, not some proprietary bullshit.

>no heatsink
moshi moshi fire department desu

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You know you can't just put any PCI-E SSD in the PS5 right? The 850 is one of the few confirmed working for it. Stop comparing PCI-E 3 prices to the memory card, which is PCI-E 4, you silly fucking dregs.

Heat transfers should be fine on the Xbox using thermal paste and metal to move the heat.

Idk how the PS is setup but I see no heat transfer nor ventilation. The only visible vent are two holes under the cover which is practically useless.

Nigga its the ps2 everything about that was proprietary. Hell, video game everything was proprietary across the board. Modern day =/= 20 years ago.

You're fucking stupid

at least i have a choice, fagget

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>You're fucking stupid

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Sony is literally proprietary formats The Company, retarded reddit spaced snoy.

There will be a dozen choices of PCIE 4 SSDs. Xbox owners will be stuck with one and its fucking SEAGATE.

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