You now remember how Metroid used to be part of Nintendo's big 4
You now remember how Metroid used to be part of Nintendo's big 4
Super Metroid was the 3rd best selling game of the year
>big 4
Literally who? It was always just mario, zelda, and metroid in the beginning. Unless you're one of those fags that counts Pokemon.
It was never big. Just a dedicated fanbase kept it alive.
Metroid has grossed a lifetime of 1 Billion in revenue
Growing up it was always Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, and Metroid.
This was coming off the SNES and Metroid got replaced by Pokemon back in the day around the late n64 days.
mario, zelda, smash, ???
Samus Aran is NOT an office slut!
No, false samus.
I member when
I guess. Though I don't think most consider donkey kong as big as you do despite the earlier games selling well
Nintendo really screwed up with the franchise.
I want to remodel Samus' shithole with my dick
Well it was just how big those early games were. Donkey Kong Country, DKC2, and DKC3 were fucking huge. To the point where people were talking about when DK would make his next big move. Then he kinda just diddled about.
think of all the franchises Nintendo has just let die, and then think of how close the likes of Metroid and DK came to joining them. they really mismanage a lot of their properties despite them having huge potential
Donkey Kong arcade and Donkey Kong Jr. are 3rd and 9th best-selling arcade cabinets of all time
DKC 1-3 are 3rd, 6th and 10th best-selling games on SNES
DK 64 and Diddy Kong racing are 7th and 8th best-selling games on Nintendo 64
>NES Big Four
Duck Hunt
>SNES Big Four
Donkey Kong Country
Star Fox/F-Zero
Donkey Kong
Nope, does not check out.
Not as popular as F-Zero/Star Fox either.
okay dobson go back to your halo reskins and plebbittube comics
>This was coming off the SNES
>1 Super Mario World
>2 Super Mario Allstars
>3 Donkey Kong Country
>4 Super Mario Kart
>5 Donkey Kong Country 2
>6 A Link to the Past
>7 Yoshi's Island
>8 Donkey Kong Country 3
>9 Killer Instinct
>10 Starfox
>11 F-Zero
>12 Mario Paint
>13 Super Mario RPG
>14 Sim City
>15 Kirby Super Star
Huh, no Metroid in top 15 best selling SNES games published by nintendo
Metroid was definitely in big four on Gamecube and GBA
Smash, Mario Kart, Mario and Zelda disagree.
Also not in top 15 best selling games
>Mario Kart
Fine, Smash, Mario, Zelda and Luigi's Mansion disagree.
Luigi's Mansion wasn't even well-liked when it came out, it was negatively compared to Mario 64 throughout entire Gamecube era and it took 8 to 10 years for people to warm up to it
It outsold Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Yeah, and Nintendo is the one to blame for the lack of Metroid games. Just like F-Zero. Just like Wario. Just like Donkey Kong.
>nipples in the photos
rip anpn
Donkey Kong
>b-b-but muh Super Smash Bros
take a shower you fucking degenerate
But that's wrong, there was never a time when Metroid was in the top 4.
You can blame rampant piracy on the GBA more than anything, it proved to Nintendo there was no interest in the game despite being one of the most pirated games
Pirates killing games again
take a shower
There are plenty of other games above Metroid that are not Smash
Do you have a sauce for that?
Are you saying people pirating Fusion or Zero Mission from 15 years ago impacted how Nintendo sees the Metroid series now? How is that relevant?