This is the pinneacle of action games and you CANNOT prove me wrong. Devil May Who??? Ninja GAYden? NO! KH2 Final Mix nigga!
This is the pinneacle of action games and you CANNOT prove me wrong. Devil May Who??? Ninja GAYden...
>Vanilla game has trash level design, a bunch of tedious mobs, a terrible progression system, and annoying QTE bullshit.
>FM is somehow GOAT because it tweaked some variables
Call me when the Land of Dragons isn't dogshit.
>he got filtered
Most of the game is boring and repetitive, the worlds are shit, story and disney shit is horrendous for the most part too. There are a handful of good bosses, and some flashy shit going on but that doesn't make it the pinnacle of the genre. It's too lacking in other departments, and you know most of the fucking game. Nobody enjoys a majority of these disney worlds and I wouldn't believe them if they said they did.
The end game bosses are fantastic, but the rest of the game is dogshit.
Can you at least tell us why you think so?
Base game KH2 is great, people are just desperate to criticize it somehow cause FM is peak vidya.
And I'll continue to enjoy all three while you keep seething at the other two OP.
I've got a gold crown at level 1 faggot.
Stick the fucking fish hook down your throat
Based Dragon Scholar
i simply like video games
It's the best ARPG in existence. not exactly the best action game, it is good tho.
Lingering Will is the best boss fight in games.
Yozora is better, and substantially more difficult
who that?
If you cant name a better game then its still the best game in the genre despite its flaws
Nomura clinging to his dead game
Nomura resurrecting his dead game trhough thesheer power of autism you mean
I was gonna give you a pass until you mentioned Ninja Gaiden.
Just no, you're embarrassing yourself.
Even Jak and Daxter had better level design and gameplay than KH. The levels were fucking cramped and confusing, especially the early ones (rember the vines in the jungle level? Yeah you can't tell me you had fun with that)
It's a decent action rpg with a fun story, that's all.
>sheer power of autism
kinda based
>resurrecting his dream game under usual square bullshittery AND disney copyrighting
how will he push through the final hurdle?
jak and daxter is good tho
By making Kingdom Hearts T-rated.
Nomura is absolutely based, as long as you understand just how autistic he is
Ascended Autism
its a great game, but best action game? nah.
Whats better? And why?