What went so right?

What went so right?

Attached: Minecraft-1140x570.jpg (1140x570, 103.42K)

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You, specifically Zig Forums, marketing for Notch from the start

>easy to learn, hard to master
>appeals to all ages
>constant updates preventing people from forgetting about it
>large modding scene
A lot

>large modding scene
Absolutely this. Skyrim is still alive and it released 2011. Its really simple to make your game live forever

Damn bros, I can't believe that we did it for free

Wait, you didn't get your % from the 2bln Notch got for Mojang?

They got rid of the deadbeat


Attached: 1603021444860.png (478x470, 221.56K)

post your builds.

Attached: SimpleMinecraftHouse.png (948x776, 204.28K)

>implying I have a farm
name a more worthless investment