Name my scattergun Zig Forums
Name my scattergun Zig Forums
You're like a cock in slow motion
veggie shot 8(
Just that.
strange scattergun
Bag Flaster
The Nigger Slayer
Thats poor way to do it,tell us what number sets name and desc.
if my post ends with 7 name it the nigger remover
if post ends with 6 name it: made for BWC
>Demomen killed counter
I eat da poopoo
thread over
You heard the scriptkiddie, OP.
Kurt Kobain's microphone
Ding ding ding
I'm not a scriptkiddie, I just really really trust my beloved 7
The Furry Killer
See! He did it again!
it's not on purpose I swear, see? It's not happening this time
OP here. Sorry guys, but this made me laugh too much. There is still the description available if you want.
Dont listen to that nigger guy
Name it kike killer
Please kill yourself
You fucked up
7 and you neck yourself
if dubs, description will be "i suck big cocks"
Cock and Balls
it's like i'm watching you FAPPING through a windshield
good taste
"I hate people of colour"
OP is a faggot, as always. Never post again.
peak reddit