Introduce character with one of the best personalities, looks, and interesting gameplay

>Introduce character with one of the best personalities, looks, and interesting gameplay
>Turns out to be literally the worst character in the entire game

what the fuck

Attached: fcf3edc51d743a05294b04ba8f135f59_5235081960385968495.jpg (815x740, 47.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>genki retard
>moderately overdesigned
>""""interesting"""" gameplay consisting of aimed shots, something several other characters do
yeah no, she's got a cute voice in JP at least.

I pulled her on a free 10 roll so I've got some constellation abilities, plus having fire arrows is nice.

The whole game's world is designed around her, even her passive skill is useful (especially after they fix the xiangling glitch).

You can use her plenty of time for exploration because she can burn stuff and also a bow user and you'll need those for challenges and stuff.

You will need her in the higher floors of the Abyss because she can pop cryo shields with 2 charged shots.

Also every character is viable in the game, don't fall for the youtubers and tierlist memes.

Attached: 1602999161563.png (1600x1999, 2.35M)

>Amber constellation
>shoot two charged arrows instead of one, the latter dealing 20% and both hit same spot

>Venti constellation
>shoot FIVE charged arrows instead of one, each dealing 33% atk

How is this fair in any way? I know venti is a 5* but still

Damn even this chart becomes instantly unfunny and soulless when you put genshit in it

don't care, sticking by her
i beat ni no kuni with the same crew i had the entire game

if there's one good thing about dragon ball coming back, it's the tier list spicposting.

Attached: rondo duo.webm (236x480, 414.34K)

all those characters are generic trash what are you talking about