Box art for the upcoming new spiderman game is starting to be released.
Here is Spain's version.
Box art for the upcoming new spiderman game is starting to be released
doesnt tio mean uncle?
his name is uncle spider in spain?
I keked
>mara villa
>es tu dios
>tio fucking arachnido
What the fuck is their problem?
that pic was fun the first three times it was posted
now? pretty lame ngl
>juegos noduermo
hearty kek
The joke is that spanish dubs and localizations tend to give movies and games fucking retarded titles
>Kilometros Morales
eso no pasa en los videojuegos pero bueno
Quien quiere jugar como un mayate
That made me giggle
In latin american countries, yeah. In Spain it means like "Dude" apparently. They're retarded over there and speak with a lisp so don't take them seriously
Miles "Tails" Morales
spain is too full of themselves
does Spain have any black people because why would they want to play as a black guy?
But can it allow me to do this?
ben died in 2010 I guess spidey's a zoomer
Why do Spaniards do this...
Carlos el topo que gira
hermanos españ paramos de perder
t. español
eh, we have a couple of nigger, but mostly we have sandniggers
¿Cual es vuestro juego favorito de la saga de Jose Luis? Para mi, es La Mascara de Mayora
El mío es la Princesa Crepúsculo
>They're retarded over there and speak with a lisp so don't take them seriously
>the originators of the language don’t know how to speak their own language
>juegos no duermo
Spider-Dude. I like it.
>Kilometros Morales
aight that's pretty funny
El Viento Despertador es el mejor.
seethe, moor.
New box art for Sackboy A Big Adventure in Spain
They speak more english in day to day speech than chicanos now.
Fucked up but true, they speak like a bunch of retards
El bostezo selvatico.
> una aventura de cojones
Modern day Spanish used in Spain is as much of a joke as their economy.
>una aventura de cojones
Kek. Alright I don't know if this is fake anymore.
Nothing is fake dude
Everything is forbidden, brother.
Why are spics and chicanos so obsessed with Spain?
They created the language and turned it into shit
>he thinks British English is the original dialect
They're jealous because they're trapped in a shithole while spain is a first world country
If they had waited a few centuries they'd be living in a modern European country instead of getting raped and murdered by the cartel.
I'd be salty too I guess.
Spain is the shithole of Yurop.
No gallego spanish
Its al about
Its almost bad as a chilean spanish
Yes please believe that and don't come here.
Why is Spain such a garbage country?
>15% unemployement rate
>worst economy of the EU
>dumbest people in the continent, even worse than french faggots
>the only european country that can unironically claim to be not white at all since its actually all moors and immigrants
>they give all their money to said immigrants
>didn't even have a president for like 2 years
Is this what happens when you let commies
take power?
What about the slave part of europe? I only know they are based because openly hate faggotry
spain only cares about TURISTAS CON DINERO