Loli mage

>loli mage
>footsie fox girl


when there's a Steam sale

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not sandalphon so who cares

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bro you dont actually want to waste slots on more sissy boys do you? theres lots of girls we still need.

This but Vira

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Where's Mimlemel?

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Nick never ever

>water yuel
absolutely fucking BASED

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This but Colossus

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So is granblue a fetish fighter? because when a character is coming, normally there is a video showing all her moves properly, here the character is coming in two days and the trailer is funny and so, but gameplay wise?

This game's visually insane. Holy shit.


>voiced by Imai
My dic-
I'll fap to the sound test.

Wasn't there 2 more Granblue games coming out?

there's an action RPG coming out next year (probably), that's all

>loli mage
bro....... that's an old man.............

Which one? Its a grounded game like old Street Fighter II. No airdashing, just a lot of footsies

Still not sure why Colo is a primal when it's a literal mech.

So, which one are they going to pick?

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is the PC version still steaming shit or has it been improved

Yuel pleased old mens for money

Yes. It's also possible to eliminate the few remaining jaggies on PC by increasing the internal resolution through an ini file albeit it's definitively more taxing on the GPU (a GTX 1050Ti will not handle it for instance even if the fullscreen is still at 1080p)

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Just add Order Percy and make him a Sol clone already ArcSys

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it was always better than the console version, what do you mean? all versions have low population though.

all granblue characters with character songs!
>Aliza and Jessica
>Clarrise and Sen
any of these characters could be in the game next along with remix's of these very songs.

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>the Otherworld's plan to defeat Jeanne was to mindrape and mindbreak her into becoming a meek, submissive girl that wanted companionship
Bros I think the Otherworld are the good guys.

Overpriced bro

>game is still garbage
>BUT OMG LOOK ANIME GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe one day Zig Forums will grow up

That second "Vira" song is Yuisis

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Game good

Explain why it's bad then

maybe the games that are actually good should start putting cuties in them then?

Most likely vanilla Jeanne.
God, I love her

I liked

They are its call blazblue and guilty gear.

Not casual grand blue zero depth gameplay

>golden age of sexy lolis after the SJW era

Is there hope

Please don't mix up my wife with that shitty yandere

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You think they'll add in some new stuff like FZ or are we forever stuck accommodating gachabrains?

Granblue is a fetish game

Blazblue in general is legit worse than release jive and sf4 though, what are you smoking you kusoge shitter

The game ia good, but it suffers from low population, a fate thats shared by all fighting games that isnt SF, Tekken or NRS. DBFZ is an outlier because its fucking Dragonball

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>Cagliostro SSBA is called “You and I are both Cagliostro”
> If move kills the opponent it finishes with victim turning into another Cagliostro and becomes a gold statue

The fuck?! Was GBF always Darkstalkers levels of fetish fuel?

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which are her weapons? the books? Belial were just shades...

But they show her moves/playstyle in the trailer? Or did you get filtered by the chibishit in the beginning?

>put funny cosplay headband
>"fox girl"
fuck you

She uses tomes

>> If move kills the opponent it finishes with victim turning into another Cagliostro and becomes a gold statue
Fucking based.

We're only knee deep into the sjw era it gets worse.

I was thinking the same thing, this one seems to fit a fighting game the most and it's the one they use the most too.

she just summons spikes and her snake

>god tier characters
>it's a shitty fighter
Every time.


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She is a fox girl, look at how hairy she is.

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reminder that cag is really an old man

It was gameplay, but not what thing is what

>game is at season 2
>lowest discount was 20%
Not even Nethershit is this jew

bbtag is a terrible game, new guilty gear has no cuties and the gameplay is still up in the air, xrd is fine but its old. what the fuck do you want?

>when will you be mature like myself
No one's forcing you to stay

It’s ok you can wait for the Granblue rpg where you can play as all four of the homo knights.


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Game has low population because it's complete garbage.

You say that like it's a bad thing, I even get to play as Rackam my man.