Name a bigger gimmick fad that will die out in 3 years.
It wasn't mainstream 5 years ago, and it still isn't today, and VRcels are coping hard with the latest iteration still failing to capture sales even at such a low price
Name a bigger gimmick fad that will die out in 3 years
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I had a vive and it was disappointing
What's the alternative future OP? 'Flat' gaming hasn't really progressed in 15 years, it's all diminishing returns since HD became common 15~ years ago
VR is in my expectation the next step. If it isn't VR, then what is it in your opinion? Honest question.
Your denial looks more pathetic by the second.
VR is to flat gaming as Human Chess is to regular Chess
>Wow! I can BE the pieces!
i don't think it will die out but right now it undeniably is quite shit, gonna need alot more r&d before it becomes mainstream
i'm sure people playing hoop and stick said the same shit when pong came out, this tech is in its infancy, it'll be incredible in 20-30 years but til then it's legit a gimmick.
>it's a fad, bro
>just wait three more years and you'll see
"Flat" gaming has already peaked, and there's no-where else to go. Peak fidelity has been reached with 4K 144hz and actual panels able to show you stuff in incredible detail.
VRshit can't do that. Strapping a glorified phone-processor and phone screen to your face and calling it the future of gaming is paramount to what marketing execs called "curved" and 3D tv's. Look at what happened to them.
Computer gaming is already perfection in and of itself, VR just dilutes it with dogshit indie titles that don't even garner a single modicum of attention worth giving considering the VR games market is all chinks trying to spin their asset flips or college projects. Half-Life Alyx being the only AAA game "worth" playing.
Why are you so fags so eager to see something fail? VR will not take over flatgames, it's just another way to play games just like how people buy racing wheels, guitar hero guitars etc.