DEXies, INTies, how do you cope when STRtards steal your women without even trying?

DEXies, INTies, how do you cope when STRtards steal your women without even trying?

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Never understood Zig Forums's worship of STR. STR doesn't mean shit! All the evolution to be the apex predator meant getting absolutely BTFO'd by flimsy hairless monkeys that figured out how to sharpen a rock. INT is what separates us from animals and made us the masters of our world.

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Zig Forums has an obsession about the desire being stupid and (hopefully) successful. I think it's a rightwing thing.

>str fags, intcels and dexsexuals bickering amongst themselves.
>charisma chads meanwhile getting mad love from the plebs, banging groupies and dropping dank tunes.

Bard master race reporting in, allow me to recite one of my poems

“There was once a man who only cared for strength
This was because is manhood had no length
Then one day, his steroid addiction could not be kept at bay
And his manhood shrunk to nothing the village did say!”

“There was once a wizard of great intellect
He spent his days reading books and speaking strange dialect
After a decade or so, no women would touch him OH NO
And so he makes love to picture of elephants!”

“There once was a rogue of incredible skill
He would run twenty miles in a few minutes or so
He could run very fast, but lifting heavy objects was too great a task
And so with great rudeness his weakness he forever would mask!”

Hexer master race reporting in. If you only rely on brute force to win a fight, your literally a nigger.

>not having a balance between STR and DEX

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SEXies here! I win because i have SEX!!

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>literally being the worst of both worlds

I bet you’re painfully average in real life

It has never happened, so I do not think about you at all

Meanwhile FTHbvlls:

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