Last of us 2 and Death stranding were kino of the highest order

Last of us 2 and Death stranding were kino of the highest order

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>putting absolute trash like TLOU in the same sentence with the GOTY like DS

>he wasnt shouting "KINO" at the top of his lungs while playing DS and TLOU 2 on his base ps4 while snuggling up with his sister on his lap


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i legit spend hours on photo mode alone

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I got curious and checked metacritic reviews and got the best laugh of the year in the "legit" critic reviews; first 100 score is a tranny and the second is in fucking hebrew, can't make that shit up

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yes and? what does any of this have to do with the game itself?

>the only con is that at some point, the credits roll

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if you have to ask, you'll never know


Very ugly waterfall. Looks like it's made of that weird nickelodeon gunk material

show me a game with a better looking waterfall then

>game thats so good looking it has actual irl photographers use the photo mode in it to make stunning pictures

kojima-sama I KNEEL

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Last of Us day was such a failure. Holy SHIT!

I was really hoping for factions. maybe PS5.

Kojima and Druckmann have both been outed as hacks.


they both literally just made the greatest games of their careers.

>pulls out a AAA studio out of nothing
>only takes a few years to create a fully fledged AAA game filled to the brim with SOUL
>40 hours of pure gameplay and cutscene KINO no repetetive shit missions like in ubisoft or rockstar (games)
>completly bug and glitch free
>runs smooth like butter both on ps4 and PC
>no shitty dlc or unfinished trash
>created a completly new genre out of scratch just like he did for stealth games


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kojima is unironicly the best videogame dev of all time

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It's the magic of Yoji Shinkawa, he can make shit actually look good.

hes a really good artist yeah

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Stopping by to say that both were fucking horrible.

This like the people that were trying to claim The Last Guardian and Knack were somehow worth playing. Exclusive shit is still shit.

tell me a better game then

That's literally what made TLoU Day such trash. Naughty Dog created all the memes and expected people to be satisfied when multiplayer mode was only hinted at.

multiplayer in tlou 1 is still alive and well why does 2 need one? would just destroy the playerbase of 1

God of War and Ghost of Tsushima,

god of war was a shitty movie game with the best part being the bossfight at the start
ghost of cuckima looks like a lifeless ubisoft open world game made by the same devs who also made those shitty infamous games


Me and my friends live in middle America. The only people we seem to connect to are hackers (invisible people punch us to death) and people that have memorized every spawn point and pick us off in seconds.

>sonygros liked TLOU2 but hated death stranding

we all know which game was actually kino OP

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>god of war was a shitty movie game
>Says someone that actually enjoyed The Last of Us 2

i loved both of them
but yeah death stranding was deffinitly better

last of us 2 didnt have shitty filler 70% of the game
tell me all the exciting things you do in god of war? absolutly none its all just a shitty ass fetch quest that feels unfinished too
last of us 2 didnt interupt me with filler once

i prefer games that just get to the meat of things without making me feel like a retard doing basic chores just to stretch gameplay time to above 20 hours because otherwise the game would only be 3 hours long
last of us 2 and death stranding dont have any of this i always do something important every second

poorfag here
Is it worth buying death stranding for the online or should I continue with my offline play through? Only about 3 hours in, very good so far.

iam from europe and i got atleast 50 hours out of multiplayer alone in 2020
never met a single hacker once

If you like it so far it only gets better, definitely buy it for the online

always play online
the whole point of the game is connection
not playing connected with other people means you miss the entire point of the game


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