She's in

post damage

Attached: Eka6l8iVkAEWxKW.jpg (1080x533, 176.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How? Bitch is not out yet on ps4.

Hot Loli

no gonna roll.
this banner is just a trap to clean you of all your gems before the new characters arrive in a couple of weeks, so you have to spend more money.

>Limited-time characters
Is there no end to this scam?

It’s gacha, what’d you expect?

Never played a gatcha game?

Isn’t she just a rate up? I honestly don’t care about her and saving my gems for earth god.

Attached: 8EF7B840-1750-496C-972C-987E6CDA37C0.jpg (450x450, 43.95K)


got her on my 35th wish

>my favorite character to mix with Lisa
>it will be $450 + tip sir
fuck chinks.

>Genshin is babby's first gacha

I logged into the game and I don’t see her banner

In China? Japan? Not on PC that's for sure

they'll be back, in a year maybe

Not sure why people pay for anything in this game. Play through until you're out of content, then stop. There's no hard enough content to care about anyways, abyss isn't even fun.

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Attached: 3454534.jpg (1920x1080, 255.67K)

>bug with her bombs and venti's ult
did they fix it?

What a nice day to roll for her

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pikapedo i kneel...

is he good? what role does he fufill


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Is he the earth god? I thought the earth god got assassinated, or is it just that body that is dead. Is he testing us or something?

the role of being a penniless hobo

they using the stupid trope to color the hair of gods with 2 colors.
he hast it just like venti

>she's in
Finally time to pump up my girl

Attached: 16022410064151.jpg (1300x1350, 914.31K)

Is she the only new character added?

>wanting to pump a downie

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Me on the right

>audibly begins panting the moment she gets Klee
Is she(he) really a pedophile?

>not waiting for chadbanners

Attached: oXp95Qs.jpg (766x896, 99.5K)

Is she really on, couldn't see the banner on pc eu


Attached: 1363312850689.jpg (1009x768, 55.98K)

Banner release times are set based on local times, check the in game mail for the exact time it drops

check event notices for the time in your area

I don't even know what gatcha is.

>They've been doing it for years so that makes it okay!
Mods need to start removing gacha niggers from this board

Attached: 7e94030740fc5be5ab4d662bafd328e7.jpg (500x600, 42.13K)

Look up gachapon on youtube or something.

I want to complete Beidou, don't care about the homos

>one new char
Lmao, not wasting my gems on this trash

You have other vidya boards if you want to discuss videogames. Fuck off.

This picture is cursed... Why would you do this hahahahhahaha

Gachafags should be publicly executed

>this is the power of Zig Forums

I already have both chicks. Don't care for the other 2.

>m-moooddss help!

they are always available in the standard banner, these special banners just increase their chance rate.

Only true for 4*, Venti and soon Klee are not and will not be in standard banner after their banners end. Maybe in the future but odds are more likely they will give them reruns than putting them in the permanent pool.

I wanted to know what she was ranting in japanese for so long

How come I don't play this game and know more about it that you do? Character banner characters are only available while their banner is on.

Hi there!

You seem to have posted a shitty mobile gacha "game" on the video game board. Luckily, the users of Zig Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have selected the wrong board when posting, as mobile chink money suckers are supposed to go on /vmg/! Whoops! You should always remember that this board is for actual video games, and posting here about weaboo waifu simulators is bad form!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the 4channel image-board culture!

its a fun video game :)


should we file a lawsuit against mihoyo for gambling in EU?

Is Venti in standard pool now?


Okay, but let's do it against EA first.

no against the chinese first

>all the gods are male

>mom look! I posted it again!