>We're winning
>Better turn into a demon
We're winning
>surrounded by a bunch of dead mages that were slaughtered by templars
>some people dyed in the battle
you don't say
when you side with the mages they're winning but he still transforms
But by the time you reach him he's still surrounded by dead mages and in full blown despair mode.
don't fucking remind me, recently i did mage side playthrough and this shit made no fucking sense
wait wat
>go straight into 2 after playing origins and awakening on a Dalish elven awakening
I was extremely confused as to why Merril had bug eyes
wait until you see what happens to Anders
that was the hardest change in art style I've ever seen, I think
I forgot that motherfucker was in Awakening
This was years ago and I played through the whole thing. You mean the fact Anders is obviously written by a different person who probably didn't even read over the script of Dragon Age Awakenings? You mean the fact Anders is possessed by a spirit of the veil altho it's something the Anders you knew would never fucking do? You mean the fact Anders suddenly didn't care about killing innocents for absolutely no reason only to royally fuck the people he supposedly wanted to protect and help as the outcome? The fact Anders offers you to fuck minutes after you go try to save his lover from the Chantry only to have him be ultimately forced to kill him to spare him from a fate worse than death?
I did notice some of it, yes
he was the best part of it
reminder that 2 was supposed to be an Expansion just like Awakening
Sauce? Never heard of this before.
2 was not a bad game
come at me
t. Hamburger Helper
at least we had qunari who looked good
reminder that the demon was also recycled from origin's golems of amgaraak dlc
Reminder that Fenris was right
>retcons shit
>derails characters
>triples down on being a dating sim
>le awesome button streamlining the shit out of gameplay
>adds va to what was supposed to be a BG successor and massively constrains player choice as a result
DA2 is one of the worst sequels ever relative to the previous game's quality
reminder that Origins took 10 years to develop and 2 only 16 months
mage cock does actually feel pretty good?
it is tranny logic
>they think we are deviant freaks who do not fit into society
>so lets hold big parades where we wave around dildos, walk people on leashes and dress like whore-rejects
nuBioware has no normal people left, so the writing naturally becomes distorted
That mages need to be on a short leash that turns into a noose real quick if they get any funny ideas.
seems youre more aligned with the qun and their control rods. fenris just wants to kill all the mages, doesn't he
>I was enslaved and tortured by a mage and turned into his puppet
>therefore all mages bad
Fenris is as two dimensional as every other fucking character in this game is
I exactly don't remember much about when or from where I red about it but it has to do with the fact that early in development it was supposed to be just standalone release with same aesthethics and gameplay as Origins but set in the Free Marches and it was called Exodus before EA forced them to do a numbered sequel.
Been a while but I'm pretty sure Fenris's ideals about mages line up with the Qun: that they should never be trusted and kept under the boot and that killing them if they get uppity is a necessity. Though going by his personality and trauma he would never join the Qun because he would consider it just handing himself over to another form of slavery.
Tevinter basically coloured all mages as Tevinter mages in his eyes and although he claims to despise slavery, he would happily see all mages enslaved.
Then again in DA2 they all turn out to be fucking blood mages so I guess he's kind of justified.
Are you talking about the canceled DLC for DA2, Exalted March?
I will try and see if i can find anything about Exodus
varric, sandal, and bhelen are the best characters in the series
based & dwarfpilled
This file was found in the Demo of DA2, Gaider also talked about it in his now deleted blog, also the fact that Bioware was supposed to support Origins for 2 years after release with DLC, so Origins releases in 2009, we get Awakening in 2010 and then we were supposed to receive another DLC in 2011 but instead we got 2.