Do you kill Theseus or the Minotaur first?
I just sorta wail on both and let god sort it out.
Though I will say, his shield makes Thesius the more annoying of the two.
Why is Kramer so broken in this game?
Tends to depend on the weapon. My general rule is, ranged = bull first, melee = theseus first.
Why is that?
What's the best tip to beating shield dudes besides just "hit them in the back"
I don't want to kill either of them, they're so cute together.
Why isn't Newman streaming games?
>Get to full Call
>damage them both to their Phase 2 at the same time
>Summon Thanatos when they go invincible
>Hit Call immediately after
>Both die instantly
unironically hitting them in the back.
Hit them in the back, knock them against the wall, or use some kind of AOE skill behind their back.
Die, fag. Asterius likes Zag better than Theseus anyway
piercing attacks go right through shields
By virtue of the fact that Theseus poses a greater threat when the gods start helping him, it'd make sense to tackle the Minotaur first. That said, of the few times I've made it that far, I have had more success dealing with Theseus first. I think that's just because the fucker stays in on place for longer so I can get more DPS output.
Always the minotaur, his presence makes killing Theseus first harder while Theseus's presence isn't that big of a deal while killing the bull.
this is the correct response
So how come I ran reset my mirror upgrades but not my Titan Blood on weapons?
How many runs did it take you guys to beat the game for the first time? Just bought it and got bodied by the first boss twice so I need some reference to git gud
Run 26, and that was just because I kept getting a bunch of projectile enemies with fists and Athena would never drop her Dash.
theseus second phase is easier for me than the first anyway
I think it was run 22 or something, in Hell mode.
like run 44, last boss kill me a bunch of times before i learned his moves
This is my most depressing Hades screenshot, if you can see what went wrong.
the fact that you are still playing it despite completing the run at least 50 times?
>runs to beat the hades
I think mid teens or low 20s. Didn't look up any info/wiki and dicked around trying different things.
>for most weapons try to focus on one damage type (attack, special, cast) for boons and spam that damage, the other two damage types can basically be ignored for most ez builds
>try to focus on one god's boons (until you know what you're doing), they all have boons that buff their own damage boons
>if you have 2+ door options and only one is a god, take the god (until you know when not to take it)
>dashing is the main form of movement, think of walking as just something that happens when youre not dashing
>play on mouse and keyboard if that's an option, set dash-to-cursor in controls menu
>upgrade mirror asap, if youre stuck, by farming keys and darkness
>not going until you got at least all the bounties
Run 16
Lmao your shit
Run 13 or 14, after I stopped getting filtered by cuck and bull I beat Hades on my third try
is there even a point in getting a call from any other god than athena?
her call is just completely broken and makes even the worst possible build viable due to how long it lasts after giving it a couple upgrades, it's pretty insane
compare that to dyonisos' or poseidon's
>ares btfo build
>37 min
>no ares legendary
That's rough, at least it still cleared em4.
>falling for padding of a game.
if you're still having fun why stop playing you ugly retard
Just because Athena's is broken doesn't change the fact that any call is better than no call.
invincibility just equals opportunity to deal damage, I'd rather just have the damage upfront like aphrodite knocking out 20-25% of a bosses health in one shot