Play my game.
Play my game
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I did for a couple hours.
It was shit so never bothered with any other of your games.
I played shinovi versus and it was dumb but also kinda fun. How exactly is estival versus worse? I've heard some people say it sucks but I'm not sure what specifically makes it bad.
Which one?
Doesn't cout because it's 2D and has nothing in common with Senran apart from the artist's art.
Also it was pretty shit.
Having a nice mating pressing session with Katsuragi!
It doesn't suck, its basically the same game but looks better obviously
ride my cock
The only good part of Senran was the art. The gameplay of the old games means nothing to a hentai series.
Make me.
Senran fucking sucks
They flanderized every single character and the later games are just a group Yumi circle jerk
I wish there was a difficulty hack of Burst on the 3DS. That's the only senran game I liked.
Sorry. Busy.
Stop using that retarded term you fucking cunts.
I'm playing Asagi's game.
what else do you call all of the characters being reduced to singular one note gags
I'd rather play Asuka's game
Why is she blushing?
Size queen horse fucking slut.
i honestly kind of enjoyed the gameplay. it's the only musou style game i can really stomach. like the wall running and aerial raves and stuff. mechanically i think it peaked in renewal. in terms of combat complexity. also the games are extremely challenging when you start fresh and do a hard mode+ frantic mode run. can be pretty fun imo
sorry m8 what?
Be nice. Ikaruga is a good girl.
>Why is she blushing?
Is that all she ever does? Whine about her dead boyfriend? Cripes.
"all of the characters being reduced to one note gags", duh.
Ikaruga was made to inflict maximum pain on my testicles
Takaki is gone and Xseed are censorious sjws now. Senran died after peach beach.
Ikaruga likes itty bitty dicks, it's canon.
estival is literally the same game, only difference is it has less costumes and customization, that’s why people say it sucks, but it has nicer visuals, if you have shinovi there’s no need to play estival unless you are really committed to the story and characters
shes thinking about being molested by orcs
They look boring since I've played way too much Dynasty Warriors
What's the catch, Ms. Hair Bisects my body through clipping? If i wanted porn, I'd just look it up online
sorry i probably made the mistake of assuming you guys had actually played the games... or knew anything about video games in general. i apologize
Ikaruga is not a bully!
The genuinely well written characters, at least in the first few games.
And the "good" ones are from the clunky 3ds games right? While all the modern ones are brainless gameplay and flanderized characters right?
Pretty much, yeah.
Oh that's a relief, I played SV years ago so I might as well play EV
tell me about the bean sprouts girl, when was she a genuinely well written character?