Pvp encounter

>pvp encounter
>have mini heart attack

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just kill enemy

>go to the wilderness with a friend
>he starts attacking me

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>pvp encounter
>I was ready for it the whole time

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>heart starts pounding
>hands start sweating
>can't concentrate
>forget how to dodge or do basic moves

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I want to brutally rape and murder Aqua

>pvp encounter
>ending up killing self trying to escape

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Anyone here play Tibia?

Happened a lot my first times in World pvp in WOW
>no longer affected by it, and got more confident
>burning crusade
>first arena

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>Play DBD
>Have like 500 hours in it
>Heart still races and hands tremble when the killer is up my butt

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ive been playing pvp for forever and I stil get racing heart and tunnel vision, I dont think it will ever go away. probably just my crippling low self-esteem

>playing spoopy game
>something is right behind me
>get a weird head ache in the back of my head for a few seconds as I barely escape
Should I be concerned about this?

>pvp encounter
>kick the fucker's ass easily

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>feeling confident as fuck
>next pvp encounter
>get completely steamrolled

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>pvp encounter
>you're playing sp

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>live in the runescape wilderness for 2 weeks
>the NPCs stop attacking me eventually
>go ancap on every white dot I see on the minimap
>finally get back to town
>white dots everywhere
>panic constantly

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hey do you want to have gay sex with me

Eh, sure dude, I don't have anything else going on rn.

go to

>queue for ranked
>massive anxiety spike
>goes away when I actually get in a match

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i'm not a faggot sorry

>palms are sweaty
>knees weak
>arms are heavy
>there's vomit on his sweater already
>mom's spaghetti
>look calm and ready
>drop bombs
>but he keeps on forgetti


>turn off the modem

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hecka crinj

>used to feel this way, huge adrenaline rushes over a pvp encounter I don't even fucking care about
>get into fighting games because corona
>can no longer get enjoyment from pve games

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>getting ganked
>panic attack
>still manage to beat up the person
>suddenly feel all the adrenaline rushing through you

Great, I'll grab my stuff!

pvp in Souls games did that to me. I don't know why. Whether I won or lost, the stress was really intense. I don't feel that way about online fps games like Call of Duty or Battlefield.

>PVP encounter
>guys says everyone on his stream is laughing at me