Buy console

>buy console
>accidentally produce a sneeze that sounds vaguely like "Tiananmen Square"
>$499 stolen
t-thanks Sony

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Based. Fuck hongkong independentists, fucking lapdogs to the british and american. Long live the CCP

Just dont be a shithead and you'll be fine.

Not an issue if you don't live in China

just don't say anything anti-chinese while you're being recorded during play time, timmy
nobody wants to take your games away from you but if you force us we'll just have to do it

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>buy console
>accidentally say all lives matter
>lose your job
>blacks and commies show up to your house and attack you while the police watch

What if I pull the black card?

wait isn't this pretty much what totalitarianism is?
so, is sony facist?

We all live in China now

I wish, China's the only semi-fascist state in the world.

>China's the only semi-fascist state in the world.

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>you're forbidden from disseminating gambling
>while they rake in millions from gacha

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I don't get sony at all. Why are they so fucking obsessed with appealing to the worst kins of "people", i. e. chinks, trannies, faggots, niggers, retarded mutt women and kikes?

Oh true, I forgot about them. Weird of me. Interesting experience being a vassal for them.

what the hell???? to sell your product you have to follow the country's law??? thats fucked up!!

This 100 fucking % . western niggers need to shut the fuck up on issues they have no place in. Except I support Taiwan.

Imagine thinking this is real.

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>the country's law
china made them implement this for hong kong players

Well that settles it. Cancelled my PS5 preorder and im switching to Xbox. I'm not supporting this shitty communist country

Taking into account that Sony took several times political positions for 'freedom', it's kinda jarring they prefer to ignore the draconian practices of the chinese goverment.

>damages the honour and interests of the PRC
God, communist governments are fucking pathetic
I'm so fucking glad I only experienced it as a child, and my country stopped being communist in the 90s. The shit I heard from my parents about living in a communist regime were like horror stories.

>(Hong Kong)
Based retard. You can spam the chink copypasta all you want.
based retardbro
you probably also believe that snoy doesn't record you 24/7

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any corp goal is money. dont act surprised if they do anything hypocritical

>hong kong is now china
fuck you shills

*also on pc

always has been

japan is the most kiked country in its region and that swastika is probably out of pure ignorance because jap boomers love fucking with their own history to a tremendous degree or he meant it as a manji kys fat

I'm not surprised, but they should get called on it.

Oh boy, more mutt seething because you didn't get btfo enough in the last thread

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Hong Kong can rebuild, Zach...

Nintendo has something similar in their Chinese terms too.
Translated it with Google translate.

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you may not know this but it's possible to play video games online without screaming NIGGER or the names of various human tragedies (HOLOCAUST, TIANAMEN SQUARE, NINE ELEVEN). you can just play video games man, don't have to yell shit



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Tuck this one away for Hiroshima day next year.

>the boss
>So thin-skinned that he banned Winnie the Pooh countrywide over a silly meme

t. Hker

Why is every company bowing to the Chinks now?

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China won, mutt. That’s why.

lot's of consoomers, much more than in the us/europe

It's funny because Japan will be the second country China will invade, after Taiwan.

China... We kneel...

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>he should let people tarnish his image like ZOG puppets do
Some men have respect for themselves.

China has leveraged themselves into the supply lines of most modern tech manufacturing because of their decades of cheap manual labor. The honey was too tasty to pass up so a frightening majority of huge companies are now totally reliant on China to continue doing their business without burning tens if not hundreds of millions or more to extricate themselves from the dragon's claws.

That would be a bloodbath for the chinks.
They can't invade diddly unless it's on their doorstep.

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lol Snoy

money > principles
principles are only worth if they can be used to milk money from retards

everyone has to sign this shit for china
snoy has it in hong kong which is not china

>Hong Kong
Don't care lol

>Being a petty little bitch is somehow better for his image than letting a silly joke exist