Hades thread

Hades thread

>tfw just got my tenth win

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finally beat this piece of shit using the fists. took so many attempts. i tried all kinds of stuff. until I decided to embrace taijutsu, the way of the fist and best hades and his minions in simple hand to hand combat.

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>On my 40-somethingth run
>Still can't fucking beat Hades
I always get right up to the end, and then either lose all my DDs to Thesius and the Minotaur, or some stupid fucking giant rat
I hate everything

>Start on Hell Mode
>after like three tries, beat Meg
>go all the way past hydra
>get to third boss
>game becomes bullet hell
I ended up taking off Hell mode only because of the boss HP. Rooms seem barren on normal difficulty.

>playing a game after beating it

The game doesn't even start until you've beaten it

>lose all my DDs to Thesius and the Minotaur
Burst one of them down (I do Theseus since he has less HP and more times when he's open) then plink down the Minotaur.
Giant rats suck when they're spreading poison all over the place or have shields, best strategy is either rushing them down ASAP or getting their shields down as safely as you can. Sometimes you gotta eat the poison so know where the restore spot is or make sure you can kill the room quickly.

Some of those tiny rooms are just visual clusterfucks. Definitely a "what were you thinking" thing

>40 runs
>can't kill hades
just kill yourself and go to his realm you skilless sack of shit.
Always kill minotuar first. stab rats from diustance and get a decent cast to nuke them.
athena makes last zone easy with reflecting poison darts from satyrs.

get zeus's call, or any strong aoe attack really. you can kill them both at the same time

>can beat the absolute shit out of hades with shield no matter the heat
>cant beat him with anything else

Excalibur has seriously ruined every other melee weapon for me
>Swings are almost 360*
>Massive spear-like range
>Slow swings, but massive aoe and damage means your DPS is still top-tier
>Guaranteed trap-free & general safety zone on special of almost 50% DR
>Free extra starting 50hp

>didn't realize you could actually use the shield as a shield

>Crits on fists

Zag Nyx romance when?

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Never, he's too immature for her

>We will never make a nyx romance, she's his stepmom, that would be creepy
>but here Zag, fuck your stepbrother

what weapon best

>They'll never remaster Kramer Hentai Adventure

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the one you personally have the most fun using
chiron bow

How the fuck am I supposed to get Artemis legendary boon? I have the 10% legendary mirror buff, but it takes so fucking much to get her. I didn't think it was that much but getting 4 boons from the same god seems impossible when you are gunning for it. Is there a way to influence which boons you get beyond the stupid keepsakes?

how are any of you fags struggling to kill Hades, just dodge his super projected spin and it's an easy win
if you still can't win, get Aphrodite call and Zeus' duo boon that cuts the max gauge to 25% and amps up the charge wait
if you can't win with those two boons together you're probably hopeless and should turn on god mode

Just the keepsakes
It's really not that hard

Note that going into a chaos room is basically like a re-roll for what rolls you have next.

>Dude just dodge his spin lol
>You can see where it'll be, so you should be able to dodge it 100% of the time with no error on timing or direction

>filters your awful build

Attached: more like fagreus.png (1080x1021, 1.44M)

>26 minutes
>on heat 1
>with the best weapon
You can do it user. The multi-hit special is my favorite fist aspect. I just cleared a heat 11 fist run in under 17 minutes. I suck ass at video games, if I can do it you can do it too.

How many times do I have to beat Hades to get the "true" ending?

yes, you should be able to dodge it
they even gave Theseus the exact same move so you can learn how to dodge it from him too
it's the exact same timing every time, there's never a mixup outside of the phase 2 combo, but it's still the exact same timing after the circle is traced

It's not hard, but the RNG is dumb. You need 4 artemis boons by taking true shot -> 2 of support fire, exit wounds, or hunter's mark -> fully loaded, and I've done like 8 runs now and only one of them have I even gotten 4 artemis boons and I still didn't get the legendary. All of the others took me 3 tries max.

I am one of the worst hades players on Zig Forums

Theseus's spin is dramatically different, Hades moves when he executes so the actual spin is shifted. He also performs multiple spins.

It took me forever to get the Zeus/Demeter and Zeus/Ares duos, I would say you should just keep playing and wait for the game to finally be nice and not get frustrated when it doesn't happen.
Even if you use a keepsake to get a guaranteed boon, the game could still cuck you anyways.