>Demon's Souls
>God of War Ragnarok
>Horizon 2
>Gran Turismo 7
>Ratchet and Clank
>Spider Man MM
This is probably the best first year exclusive lineup of any console in a decade.
>Demon's Souls
>God of War Ragnarok
>Horizon 2
>Gran Turismo 7
>Ratchet and Clank
>Spider Man MM
This is probably the best first year exclusive lineup of any console in a decade.
>releasing in 2021
Not like it matters when FFXVI will sell worse than FFVIIR. SE is going to get its ass kicked for doing this console exclusivity nonsense.
>It's official: Final Fantasy 16 is coming in 2021 and it's only on PS5. This next-gen debut for Final Fantasy will make use of all of the tech inside Sony's new console. But who are the new heroes, what is that massive fire demon, and what's the combat style this time around? Pick up a copy of Official PlayStation Magazine issue 181 and find the answers to these questions, and more.
if it’s such a good lineup why doesn’t it have any good games
I'm not interested in any of those
>nu-Ratchet and shit
shocking how Zig Forums has been trying to spin PS5's launch year as being bad. The only system which I think had a better launch lineup was the GC
Who is she and why is this bad?
Now if only they had enough consoles...
She was virtually raped at one point, so I feel sorry for the poor girl. She also worked on Spider-Man and Mass Effect Andromeda, those two games with super ugly women.
Thank you Based Sony.
Virtually raped? Like online? So not raped at all?
>God of War Ragnarok
That's not the official name right..?
She's the woman from the interview where she claimed it. Just search her name and virtually raped user.
>what is that massive fire demon
I hate secondaries so goddamn much.
>God of War
>first year
They showed a title card with some voice over. It's at least 2 years off.
>Marvel invented the most important event in Norse mythology
Goddamnit... this series used to be so fucking good...
so they're definitely changing the name then..
Half are not exclusive, half are not 2021 and all are shit
Yeah, same. Each to their own, but I'm fine without a PS5.
I literally care zero percent for every single one of those titles.
Demon Souls is coming to PS4 and PC, It's also a shit remake, also not buying a PS5, fuck nu-snoy.
>Demon's Souls
Remake of a PS3 game. Graphics look nice but I would have rather they had PS3 back-compat.
Honestly looked good to me, not sure where the negativity is coming from.
Burch of War. The gameplay might be an improvement over the original.
>Horizon 2
First had decent combat with laughable YA novel-tier characters, this one might be better.
>Ratchet and Clank
It looked fine I guess, nu-Ratchet is just so soulless.
>Miles Morales
Spider-Man was painfully mediocre, this will probably be no different.
Honestly it is better than what Xbox has slated even counting the ones coming to PC, but it's pretty fucking far from best anything. Switch launching with Zelda alone was better.
>switch launching with a wii u open world port with the worst combat and "dungeons" in the series
>worst combat
lets be real, that's wind waker
>worst dugneons
also wind waker in terms of the 3d games
Only one I care about is Ratchet and Clank
BotW was a Wii U game
> Stalker 2
> Starfield
> Halo Infinite
> Gears Tactics
> Flight Sim
> Everwild
> State of Decay 3
> Scorn
I prefer these.
the only game I could see myself playing without being completely bored out of my mind in that is demon's souls, hzd2 and gt7 and that's simply because i haven't played the original, the story of 1 was decent, and because GT sport looked alright
but thankfully I don't care about souls games, HZD was awful beside the scifi elements and I can just play assetto corsa instead