SOUL Badguy
SOUL Badguy
Sol Dadguy
why they make him fat
What is his secret to beefing up?
mf wide as hell
I assume steroids considering how big everyone is in Strive now.
widescreen support
>anorexic drug addict finally discovered test, tren, and hgh
>finally recovered his gains
Chipp is the true hero of the story
Now If only the new game had some soul. So far its shaping up like a repeat of SFV's release.
>shitty ui
>lack of characters
>lack of modes
>constantly shilling 1 song and running it into the ground before the game is even out
Holy fuck what happened to these guys? They should have gotten paid from DBFZ and Granblue licenses, and this is how they repay their fan base? With a half assed version of their main game? They can fuck themselves.
Did anyone else see that Woolie once again failed miserably and got canceled because of his guilty gear video?
God is good sometimes.
Ah yes, the typical and practical build of a ninja
what happened?
he's a president, user
holy shit man you FGC legacy fans are dogshit shut the fuck up already jesus christ you dont even play xrd, and 15 characters are plenty retard
to this day I have no idea what's his weapon is supposed to be
is it a sheath that spits fire and explosions?
He pissed off the mob, so he had to bend the knee and suck the cock.
Our battle will be legendary
To be fair, Chipp only knows how to fight like a ninja. He would probably make for a fucking terrible ninja since he never shuts up and half of his moveset is unnecessarily bombastic.
I don't think his gains are gonna hurt his "stealth".
it's a giant metal lighter
Superior Sol vs. Ky theme coming through.
He used Blade aka Gear Project as a source for his lore video. One one hand, fuck Twitter and a good chunk of the Western anime FGC, on the other hand, Blade is an autist who doesnt even play Guilty Gear, he's just in it for the lore.
>everyone is mad at woolie because he made a lore video with a "sexist racist" fanfic writer
The Junkyard Dog may be a lighter, but the Fireseal always looked like just a sword to me. Also, Ky's new sword in Strive kind of looks like a cigarette when it's sheathed, but I don't know if it that was the intention.
Its a giant metal slab resembling a lighter.
They should be mad at him for bineg the quintessential Baikenfag instead.
Hey, the dude can turn literally invisible. He's not that bad at the whole stealth thing
>like a ninja
>*Turns Invisible*
Umm... sweetie...
say what you want about BB's composition but CS/CT's guitar always makes me nut the hardest out of any Daisuke's used
Yeah but normal people don't have health bars
You just hear some weeb shout out of nowhere and then you're dead
That's not a Sol vs. Ky theme, and so it's irrelevant. I don't really care for it much even setting that aside though, though I do like BB's music, Under Heaven Destruction just never stuck with me. I like Rebellion more than any of Sol's themes though, aside from maybe Get Down to Business.
>That's not a Sol vs. Ky theme
but it is in spirit
So is this Souless, Soulful or Sol?
Somehow it's actually or even more souless. It's painful how bad it looks compared to Xrd.
it's not bad, Xrd is just difficult to top
If something is new it is automatically souless, sorry sweetie.
>It's painful how bad it looks compared to Xrd.
Retarded and false take.