Turn based combat

>turn based combat

More like turn cringe combat

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>real time with pause
More like real time to kill yourself for butchering intended tabletop mechanics


cringe? cringe on what?

A good example turn-based combat, has some form of strategy and doesn't rely entirely on RNG so the player can reasonably plan out how to beat a mission
>Darkest Dungeon
Everyone in your party has a move that heals at least 1 hp, you win


Real time with pause? More like real time with cringe.


>action combat rpg

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Cringe Based Combat would be a better term. You fucked up something so easy

>t. RTWP
aka raging tranny with penis

So, like, chess sucks?

Turn-based removes a lot of skill room in favor of strategizing, but it's not a bad thing
The only bad thing was XCOM 2

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More like cringe cringe cringebat, amirite cringevros???

So is it cringe or based?



I like that you don't have an argument there, just twitter memes to propagate to make you secondaries feel like you exist.

>3rd person shooter
more like 3rd person shitter. nice original game concept you faggot.

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turn BASED combat

>physically "urp'ing"
I hope none of you fags actually do this

Basically cringeworthy

It must be just one guy making these threads. I wonder why he hates turn-based so much.

Basedly cringe

Jrpg Turn based sucks
Wrpg Turn based rocks

Formerly red-pilled


It works but it's less fun just for the sake of it