>spent 6 hours modding skyrim just to coom and never touch it again, again
Spent 6 hours modding skyrim just to coom and never touch it again, again
Daily reminder that you're not a true Zig Forumsirgin if you haven't done that before
No one cares.
That's nothing
>spent several hours modding skyrin
>too retarded
>uninstall skyrim
>watch skyim animated porn instead
>repeat a few month later
I care.
>pirate Skyrim, never played it before
>spend hours modding it, back before SE
>boot up game and crank tiddies to max for babby's first titty monster
>when my character jumps and her tits bounce up they momentarily shrink and flatten like goddamn pancakes before returning to normal
I know that feel, bro
I care.
way she goes
>when you get your futa mods just right
>spend several hours trying to ddl koikatsu because my isp somehow found out i was torrenting even though i used a paid vpn
>eventually find one that looks like its virus free
>1000kb download speed locked behind premium
>so fucking horny that i say fuck it and try to get a premium membership for a bootleg spanish filesharing site
>only accepts pesos
>my brain kicks in and tells me to stop
>just download a /ss/ monster girl game instead
autism is beautiful my friends
>Being a storagelet that has to uninstall
The hentai geimu general on /vg/ most likely has a Mega for it and I'm also sure it's on nyaa you fucking dongus
I am 100% convinced now that this site is just hundreds of clones of myself
>Skyrim lewd mod scene is still somehow alive and most lewd mods updates every few months
>have to update every mod on the new "session"
>spend 5 hours doing so
This new to you?
I wish i was too retarded to install mods just so i wouldn't waste such a large amount of time with this shit just to masturbate
Seriously, Why the fuck is there no torrent with a bunch of mods pre-installed?
VPNs dont provide any real security desu~
they just overhyped proxies with the same limitations
Fuck guys you’re giving me nightmares.
>just took the time to do a reinstall with fresh mods
>just enough time to make sure the game starts out okay but not to really test mods
>work, life, gf get in the way
That bundle of taped together mods is just sitting there and I think about what I’m gonna have to do to get it going everyday. At least I’ve come to the realization that I enjoy modding Skyrim more than I do playing it.
if I made this would you pay me to maintain it?
that shit would take serious time tbhfqmbbq. WHERES MA MONEY HO DEM TITIES DONT BOUNCE FO FREE
Modders would throw a hissy fit big enough to collapse the Internet. Also the point of modding is kind of to tailor a game to your specific, autistic interests.
Seriously though, why would the potion seller have potions he can't sell?
I always try to make the coomer stuff as unobtrusive as possible so I can just play a lewder version of vanilla 'Rim but the mods are always too immersion breaking.
Might I suggest building repacks for other anons if you like modding so much? Sure there are plenty of modpacks out there but 90% of them are dogshit.
yeah mods are by nature highly specialized. its why "it just werks" linux computers still dont exist. That would require corporate partnerships establishing default software and system specs, which violates the point of linux.
> I would probably distribute my modded game. It's highly stable. No coom mods but its ready for them to be installed on top EZ. hairphysics, CBBE, etc are all in place.
I say "stable base" but it still has over 100 mods.
HOWEVER, I abandoned FNIS for Nemesis. I am sorry for those who do not find the future favorable.
The knight was just too weak to handle them, user.
What? The knight wanted ONLY his strongest potions and nothing else. If the knight just wanted weaker potions, there would be options. The shopkeeper was being kind, they would have killed the poor lad.
Why didn't the knight ask for a potion that would allow him to handle the strongest potions?
Then who would his strongest potions be for?
But he does tell him to go to a seller that sells weaker potions, which implies even his weakest potions are too strong for him.
I'm an actual system administration professional and I honestly was stunned by how much work modding takes.
RTFM + 30 hours of pain to achieve something functional.
FUCK Jk's shit btw. Crash my face galore.
Dragon killers.
Only for the strongest beings, the knight was of the weakest.
The knight was committed to wanting only his strongest potions. Another shop's strongest potions would be far weaker than his. You can't talk sense into a moron, hence why he told the knight to fuck off.
>mfw installing a bunch of mods together and they all work with no troubleshooting
Vortex was a gift from the Gods.
I figure I might ask since this thread is appropriate, is BHUNP worth it for oldrim? Are the physics really that much better? I already set everything up with standard UUNP so I don’t like the thought of having to redo body mods again.
I do this at least once a year.
A stronger knight, presumably.
Was he successful in the battle, bros?
Always happens with bethesda games
I think people fail to understand the challenge of making an actual playable game. Yeah you can tack on software but... it's all closed source.
I fucking hate how so many mods are closed source. Its absolutely ridiculous because it makes modding so much harder. Why the fuck are people selfish and covetous about their code when open source software is what would literally make EVERYTHING better.
its horrible, and it made me actually quit modding because the lack of open source in a modding community is digusting. The two should go hand in hand. The whole rest of the 'modding' world does - ie OS modders using linux
I wish I was too retarted to setup a deepfake ai and nudify all my friends and acquaintances on social media.. but here I am, fapping to jake's mom's ai generated titties. I fight to find a reason to leave the house anymore.