how does one cope with not having friends to play games together
How does one cope with not having friends to play games together
I play solo games
you don't because solo games don't need friends.
I play older matchmaking games like TF2 and until recently Mordhau
I ain't got any IRL friends I'm keeping in contact with, especially with corona, and they don't really play games, they aren't that interested in the hobby beyond playing surface stuff. There's a lot of really young kids that I've seen outside prior to the pandemic that followed Fortnite streamers and the like and I'm jelly because they got more to talk about all things videogame-related than I do with anyone IRL
All my friends are online, but schedules are kind of fucked since they're all over the globe, so there's not much opportunity
I also browse the board a lot but knowing that it used to be better before 2014 gnaws at me because I missed out on comfy discussion before the board got so fast and flooded
there are plenty of single player games to last us the rest of our lives. either that or find ppl u like on multiplayer games and invite them to fucking play it's that simple.
u can still have comfy discussions on /vg/
I just learn live with the pain
It's ok user you're not truly alone
I don't really browse /vg/ much anymore, I was mostly interested in one thread before interest in the game died but also because the thread is a genuine dumpster fire
By becoming a girl (male) so thirsty nerds want to pl games with me!
wtf man, i came here to shitpost, not to be reminded of shit like this
Looks like he built their manor ingame
Play with randoms and chat with them, thats how I got most of my e-friends, is not that hard.
Just get friends to play games with, loser.
I'll be your friend.
More importantly, how do I cope with not having a little sister to sit on my lap and play Nintendo with?
>you will never use your little sister's breasts as a mousepad
Why live
I used to ask myself that before I realized the friends you have/get will always have a different taste in games than you, so there really is no point.
Just get a girlfriend and play videogames with her
i have people i can play with but i'm never up to play anything because i'm always tired
I'm 100% introverted and view other people as mindless roaches, that's how.
I have zero friends and can't cope with the loneliness. I'm going to kill myself soon.
based same
but user, Zig Forums is your friend
How do you people have so much trouble making friends? I decline friend requests all the time because nearly everyone I play random pubs with wants to be my friend and I'm really not looking to make internet friends. Are you just a very boring person? Or bad at games?
>ywn a cute girl's flat chest as a mousepad
Fuck off Zig Forums quit giving me feels I didn't know I had.
play a lot of jrpgs with streams on in the back, at least that's what i do
Playing with real life friends is overrated. My friends are either terrible at the game or annoying control freaks in the game. Playing with people you added because you had a good experience with them when they were on your team randomly is much better.
I got bitched at at work as a scapegoat for following procedure correctly and was painfully reminded that I really am totally alone.
Go outside?
all my friends moved on from video games years ago and I'm almost to that point now myself. so I just play a some old games I like and make mods for a few of them.
I cope knowing that video games was just one chapter of my life and now that I have a job and family, it's one I must bring to a close. but modding has been such a great creative outlet for me, I'll probably continue to do it for years to come.
Then I'll just be outside with no friends
join a community and start making friends
for example join discords for your favorite games/things. I made a lot of friends from various communities and we play among us, jackbox, secret hitler, mafia and various other online games together
How do you actually make friends? Just have conversations. Don't force yourself to talk about something you don't care about, if something is interesting just jump in and relate to it. Hop into voice calls if people are doing that (don't just sit there silently though that will annoy people). Eventually people will recognize you and from there you'll be able to have conversations over DMs and organize playing games together. Good luck
>Don't force yourself to talk about something you don't care about, if something is interesting just jump in and relate to it
>don't just sit there silently though that will annoy people
These two steps are where I come undone
Well the first step is just like browsing Zig Forums, you don't post in threads you aren't interested in right? Just look for threads (conversations) that interest you. In a format like discord there's conversations happening about absolutely everything. Also if you join a discord about a niche interest you have, people are usually very excited to talk about their hobby and answer questions, so you can introduce yourself as being new and asking for tips.
Voice calls are definitely harder. I recommend getting used to it by joining large group calls where it isn't as weird if you're quiet for a while since there will be many people talking. Also getting used to talking in games where talking is a focus like among us may help, since there is a reason and common focus to talk about.
I didn't have any friends in high school cause I didn't fit in on multiple levels, but discord and other online forms of communication are the great equalizer. You're just a voice and a personality and you can be whoever you want. There aren't any consequences for fucking up. Go wild.
Why use a pad when there are already two beneath it?